Saturday, August 31, 2013




I have been having trouble getting my blog introduction to the top of the blog so for the introduction go here. Included in the introduction is the list of over 200 blog articles. Consider this as archive material as it is not as well written or edited as the new book.  I used much of the material in the blog as source material for the book. 

     My new book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder, is available on Amazon and Amazon Europe. Thanks everybody for all the help and support to make this all happen. I think folks will be very happy with this book, as it pulls together just about everything I know, in a tight concise manner, with much better writing and editing than I have done to date. The $16.00 print book has been discounted by Amazon the last I checked.  This book is now free to be read on this books website on all devices with a PDF available on site as well. 

    You can order the print copy here.
     I have now written two more books since UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder that include Fire In Nature A Fire Activist's Guide and my just released book Enlightenment:  The Long Hard Road.  A three of my books can now be read for free on their individual website linked to the main portal website called the Enlighten Your World Series. 

     The Extraterrestrial Cultural Center is making great progress.  The Center concept has evolved from the evidence and concepts contained in my book as a kind of plan of action to help create a bright future for mankind.  Check out our blog:  and our website. 

      Here are some print and video interviews and articles.  This short course on Exopolitics gives a sort of abstract as to what is in the book.  These articles are not copyrighted and are available to other internet press who might be interested in republishing in their online blogs, newspapers, web pages and newsletters.

 Part 1  Why Exopolitics? 
Part 2  Evolution on Other Worlds
Part 3  Do Aliens Use Intelligent Supercomputers and Quantum Networks to Manage Their Societies?
Part 4  End the Cover-up?  Are You Kidding, We Are Making Trillions!
Part 5  Bilderberg and the Borg - Resistance is Futile - Or is It?
Part 6 The Human Mega-population, Who's Messing With Our Genes?
Part 7 Timeline:  Nazi Saucers To The Bilderberg-Mason Secret Space Fleet
Part 8  Do Bilderberg-Masons Control The Classified World?

Kate Valentine's radio interview with Ed Komarek

Kevin Montana interviews Ed Komarek (Print)

Rick Scouler interviews Ed Komarek (Video)

Ed Komarek interviews Clifford Stone (Video)

Jeffrey Prichett interviews Ed Komarek (Print)

ET Cultural Center (Part 3)

Galactic Cultural Center (Part 3))
By Ed Komarek
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My Free Exo-book Webpage:

     I am beginning to think that Switzerland might be a good location for an extraterrestrial cultural center as it is a country that takes neutrality seriously to avoid becoming embroiled in national conflicts.  It is also a strong financial center for the Global Elite.    I think the Global Elite owe it to humanity to try to ameliorate the damage they have done to humanity.   The Elite in protecting their own special interests involving extraterrestrial contact have in the process not only damaged the earth, but the promise made to humanity by the popular movie series Star Trek for peaceful extraterrestrial contact.  The funding of a few million dollars toward an extraterrestrial cultural center would go a long way toward redirecting earth human evolution toward a bright galactic future.  (Articles 1 & 2 of this series developing the cultural center can be found here:   &  

     We are considering an all-weather transparent cupola over the central plaza gardens above the toroid building giving the building the look of a saucer.  The transparent glass cupola would allow a constant comfortable temperature for a Japanese meditation rock garden with a small pond and waterfall.  Maybe we could have a few tame wild animals and birds under the enclosure as well.  My thinking is to design the garden in a manner where it can also on occasion host a large group of people for various activities such as playing uplifting music.  In addition such a garden sets the tone of peace and tranquility in which to exchange ideas and hold international conferences.

     Max Vasher (Masters in Architecture from the University of New Mexico) has agreed to become the extraterrestrial cultural center architect.  He is in the process of creating a rendition of the Center for the projects webpage.  He is also working on architectural sketches of the building and the grounds upon which it is to be built. We will link from the home page to these sketches.  Max has the following to say. 

      I agree with you completely about needing a good image of the Galactic Center for the home page. We need to be very cautious and creative about this image. On the one hand, we need an image of a really great and inspirational work of architecture that compliments fully the site in which it is located. Further it should complement the sense of awe and wonder infused into this subject matter. In a word, the facility needs to be magnificent.”

    Max and I decided on a tentative site near Geneva Switzerland.  On conceptual grounds we need a tentative site for the reasons as described below by Max. 

      Now then, there's the other hand. If we are determined to get this thing actually built in the future we don't want this preliminary image to restrict the design process later.  What I mean is this. Every site will have its own limitations and opportunities and we don't want to limit ourselves later to a geometric shape that doesn't altogether fit the site we end up with. As I stated to you earlier, I have been experimenting with the shape of a toroid in my design process recently. I did this most notably in my own house and in a house for Habitat for Humanity in Cambodia.

     In both cases I started with the shape of a toroid but that did not stop there and therefore, both look quite different. You see the toroid most particularly in my house design, but in the case of the Cambodian house, I needed the shape from the negative space that a toroid makes up for cultural and functional purposes. As in the case of these two designs the future site of the Galactic Cultural Center Earth will have a profound effect on its resultant design.”

     Max suggests his vision of combining the old with the new, and I concur this is a wonderful idea.

    “I have good computer graphic skills so the possibilities are open. I am seeing in my mind some rounded polished metal aspects to the building perhaps working in concert with a more ancient and earthen material like stone underneath. Stonehenge crossed with the polished lines of an intergalactic craft if you will. As a designer, I have always been interested in the contrast between ancient and modern. I can't think of a more appropriate facility or opportunity to engage in that contrast and make it the compliment that it could and should be. The opportunity to bridge the ancient and the modern that a Galactic Cultural Center represents as a building should be exhibited in the material choices that are used to construct it.”
    I realize CSETI is controversial within the UFO/ET community, but I agree with Max that we need to partner and reach out to those working to establish contact and relationships with various peaceful and friendly extraterrestrial races.  I also am aware of a strong spit in the UFO community as to if the various ET races are friendly or unfriendly.  This should not be an issue for the Center because the Center is orientated toward extraterrestrial civilizations and races that respect basic human rights and liberties. I wrote a draft document in this regard years ago that I will reference on the Centers home page.
      “As an architect (intern) and a designer I think these questions about what site the Galactic Cultural Center on earth should be in is paramount to a discussion on design. Regarding design, I do believe starting with the toroid as an informative geometry to the building's design is the best place to start, but maybe not the best place to finish. The site will direct us to what aspects of the toroid are needed.   Perhaps a whole toroid, perhaps only a part of a toroid or perhaps a series of interacting toroids will be necessary. Perhaps a CE-5 session where we ask for input from our galactic neighbors would help with a plan for the design. As I understand it, crop circles have been produced by such endeavors as CE-5. I have been impressed by the use of the toroid in various forms in crop circles. Many crop circles suggest three-dimensional forms of all sorts. If we could get a response such as a crop circle from a CE-5 session before we set to planning the building I believe that would be the best way to truly work with those trying to communicate with us.”
    What we now need to be considering is how to fill the position of executive director with a CEO capable of raising the millions need for this project, and the handling the business end of this endeavor?  I feel comfortable in handling the UFO/ET part of the Galactic Cultural Center, but it’s going to take somebody with advanced business skills to make this happen.  I am thinking that somebody in the UFO community might know a retired CEO with time on his hands that would like to make this project real.


      If folks would like to consult with Max he can be reached on Facebook.   I am the author of book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder that can be read or down loaded from here free: This book provides the basis for my concepts, in regard to the Center.  If you are interested in becoming involved in this project message me on Facebook or email me at

     You can follow me on Twitter or on my Facebook wall, but unfortunately I have reached the 5000 limit on Facebook friendships.  For this reason I will be shifting some of my networking to Twitter in the coming months.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

An ET Explains

An ET Explains Why They Stay Hidden
Ed Komarek
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My Free Exo-book Webpage:
     I still come across some really good cases that deserve to be in my book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder.  I copied these two cases from an unedited book manuscript written by Gary Opit. This first case not only shows high level extraterrestrial contact in the UK military, but also presents a very good explanation of the advanced extraterrestrial perspective directly from a human ET.  It reminds me of Frank Stranges’ book The Stranger in the Pentagon.   I find myself confronted frequently by the uninformed who ask, why don’t the ETs if they exist, come forward publicly?  Why do they hide? 
     The second case presented confirms what I was told by a local contact person who had contact with what have been termed Nordics.  I was told that these human ETs were collecting plants in my local area especially vegetables and fruits.  He asked if he could taste a fruit from another planet and later was allowed a taste.  
     I can’t emphasis enough the importance of becoming involved with contact people in one’s local area and having experiences oneself.  This kind of personal direct experience allows the investigator a further check on written cases and an additional source of information to compare with other sources in the literature.  It is easy to be lead astray in this field if one relies on single source material to reach conclusions.
    Case 1:  In 1954 Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strike Command, was invited by a General Martin to attend a meeting with a Mr. Janus. Mr. Janus asked Sir Peter Horsley for details of investigations into UFO sightings reported by RAF pilots, that Sir Peter Horsley was in receipt of. Air Marshall Horsley complied and on giving the information known to him, received an unusual reply. Mr. Janus detailed the UFO situation in which he stated that the UFO movements around the planet were “only a thin trickle in the vast highways of the universe. The Earth after all is a galactic backwater inhabited by only half-civilized men, dangerous even to their neighbors.
    Most of the vehicles are robot-controlled space probes monitoring what is going on. Some are manned in order to oversee the whole programme and to ensure the probes do not land or crash by accident. They must always ensure that evidence of their existence is kept away from the vast majority of Earth’s population. Since time immemorial there have been tales of vessels coming out of the sky bringing strange visitors. Observers do come among you and make contact on a very selective basis where they judge that such contact could not harm either party.
    These observers have studied Earth for a long time. With advanced medical science they have been fitted out with the right sort of internal equipment to allow their bodies to operate normally until they leave. It is not very difficult to obtain the right sort of clothes and means to move around quite freely¼ The observers are not interested in interfering in your affairs, but once you are able to escape from your own solar system it is of paramount importance that you have learnt your responsibilities for the preservation of life everywhere¼ While you are still far away from travelling in deep space, such contacts will be infrequent and must be conducted with great secrecy. The observers have very highly developed mental powers, including extra-sensory, thought reading, hypnosis and the ability to use different dimensions.”
     Immediately after the meeting Air Marshall Horsley wrote a verbatim report and gave it to Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick Browning. Sir Peter wrote of this incident in his autobiography, Sounds From Another Room and afterwards in conversation with Timothy Good described Mr. Janus, as “somehow, he was difficult to describe. What made it strange is that I have no lasting impression of him: he seemed to fit perfectly in with his surroundings. If I have any impression of him, it was his quiet voice, which had a rich quality to it. He looked about 45 to 50 years old, with thin, slightly grey hair, and he was dressed in a suit and tie. He was quite normal in every way, except that he seemed to be tuning in to my mind, and gradually seemed to take over the conversation. My initial reaction was one of skepticism, but by the end of the meeting, I was quite disturbed, really.”
     Case 2:  Wendelle Stevens, a former US Air Force Pilot, was delivering Beechcraft T-34 trainer aircraft to the Peruvian Navy in 1967 and afterwards hired some native boatman from the river port of Leticia to take him up river to see the rainforest. He remarked to the Indians that there would very likely be a market for the various species of edible tropical fruit that grew on the riverbanks and asked why they did not grow them in plantations. They answered that it may be too large a project for them. However, one of them stated that there was a group of Americans, who they themselves had not observed because it was beyond their tribal territory, doing just that three or four days rowing further upriver. Only a few months before, the Indian added, a German man had made the journey upriver through the different tribal territories to seek out these mysterious Americans and he had not returned.
     Fascinated by the reports of an American exotic fruit plantation and the German who had gone in search of them, he made enquiries in Lima. He was shown a newspaper report concerning an amazing discovery by the German man, a Mr. Ludwig F. Pallimann, who was conducting research for the Agricultural University of Lima into inexpensive high protein food. Searching for a giant arrowroot plant species upriver from Iquitos, between the Mirim and Yavari Rivers, close to the Peruvian / Brazilian border, Pallimann’s Indian guides gave him directions to an American encampment, which they would not approach. Instead of Americans, he found fair-skinned people, who spoke an unknown language, collecting, growing and hybridizing local edible fruit-bearing plants within plastic-like tents.
    Pallimann described these strangers as having a slim-build, weighing 45 kilograms (100 lbs.), standing 175 cm (5 ft. 10 in) tall on extremely long legs. They had light brown skin and hair, huge dark eyes, an unusual chin and a small toothless mouth with long, thin lips. They had unusually long fingers that had no fingernails and instead ended with a flat disc. They inhaled deeply with every breath that they took, contracting their sensitive fingers as they did so. They communicated with Pallimann via a speaking device attached to the chest.
    These strange people identified themselves as part of a team of off-world scientific collectors visiting our planet to acquire new food resources. They came from a world called Itibi Ra II, near the center of the galaxy, had discovered our planet many thousands of years ago and had been regular visitors since 1946. Over hundreds of thousands of years they had evolved from meat eaters to vegetarians and now conducted tremendous voyages of exploration harvesting new food resources from other living worlds.
     They had three streamlined disc-shaped flying machines, two of which were supply craft and two very flat speedboats propelled by air-jets. A fleet of thirty faster-than-light speed travelling spacecraft stationed in our solar system supplied their base. Having finished their work they packed up their base and flew Pallimann to Peru before departing. center complex.
    I am the author of book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder that can be read or down loaded from here free:   I can be reached by message on Facebook or email me at  You can follow me on Twitter or on my Facebook wall, but unfortunately I have reached the 5000 limit on Facebook friendships.  For this reason I will be shifting some of my networking to Twitter in the coming months.

Monday, August 26, 2013

ET Cultural Center (Part 2)

Galactic Cultural Center (Part 2)
By Ed Komarek
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My Free Exo-book Webpage:

     This is the second article in a series exploring the possibility of developing an international extraterrestrial cultural center.  I have gained some feedback from others with the publication of the first article that helps to further define the concept.  We now have an architect interested who suggests the main building on the campus be in the shape of a toroid that would include a plaza and gardens in the center. 

     We also have a web master on board to make up the web page when we further refine the design with a virtual rendition for the home page.  We also need to further define the architectural design and divisions of the Center including people and duties involved for each division as well as potential board of directors, advisory board directors and members.  The first article I wrote is called Do We Need a Galactic Cultural Center, it can be found here:

     As presently envisioned Galactic Center would have at least four divisions along with a conference hall, library-archive-museum and residence for speakers, students, researchers and diplomats.  Division one would include a director of investigations and research, with an orientation toward the compiling of an encyclopedia galactic.   This is envisioned to be a cooperative project between earth humans and the greater extraterrestrial community.       

     Division two involves a director working on establishing contact with various friendly ET races to develop diplomatic ties.  Division three involves a director for media and communications, a public liaison to the public and the press.  Division four would be directed by the executive director responsible for the facilities-library-archive-museum division, and the other three divisions.  The executive director and would be directly accountable to chairman and the board of directors.

     I believe if we are to keep control over this endeavor at least in its initial phase of development, we need a board of directors that can work well together.  I have had experience working with several people for over a decade and suggest they comprise a large part of the board of directors.  The more well know people in the field of Exopolitics, or UFO/ET community if you prefer, would be included in the advisory board and work as advisors to the board of directors on this project.  A third group involved in this project would be the supporting members. 

     I would feel comfortable working as a member of the board of directors with Manuel Lamiroy  (South Africa), Ash Staunton (Australia), Albert Rosalas  (US),  Pia Knudson (Denmark), Neil Gould (Hong Kong), David Griffin (UK), and Ann-kristin Normann  (Norway).  I have found I work well with these folks.  I would like to see Tim Good (UK), Richard Dolan (US), Nick Pope (US-UK), Michael Salla (US), Steven Greer (US), Colin Andrews (UK), George Flier (US), Joseph Burke (US), Steve Bassett (US), Paola Harris (Italy), Charles Hall (US), Clifford Stone (US), James Gilliland (US), Rebecca Wright (US) and other major players on the advisory board. (I am weak on South America, Eastern Europe and Asia, these areas need representation.) (Please keep in mind these are only suggestions open for discussion with agreements yet to be made to serve.)

     It should be kept in mind that this proposed board of directors and the advisory board have claimed contact with extraterrestrials, have close connections to contact people or are very knowledgeable on the subject.  I think all these people understand not only the evidence for contact, but the very serious issues and implications of contact and cover-up.  If this organization becomes a NGO and a non-profit institution I hope the board chooses me to be chairman of the board and a very temporary executive director, until a very committed, competent, knowledgeable executive director can be found to direct the organization.  This should be a person who is very capable in the area of management, fundraising, finance and legal issues.

     As to the website, there would be a profile linked to these names listed on the home page that would give information on the individuals involved and other information promoting their causes.  At the moment I envision a home page with a list of directors and advisory directors down the left side of the page.  I envision a large rendition of the facility on campus, in the center of the home page.  The title of the home page at top might be:  Welcome to Galactic Center (GC) an International Extraterrestrial Cultural Center Dedicated to Peaceful Friendly Relations with Extraterrestrial Races and Civilizations.  Below the virtual rendition would be a description of what the Cultural Center is about with links to detailed descriptions of the divisions and other parts of the center complex.

     I am the author of book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder that can be read or down loaded from here free: This book provides the basis for my concepts, in regard to the Center.  If you are interested in becoming involved in this project message me on Facebook or email me at .    


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Galactic Cultural Center

Do We Need A Galactic Cultural Center? (Part 1)
By Ed Komarek

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ET Cultural Center (Part 2) 
ET Cultural Center (Part 3)

Recently I had heard that Wendelle Stevens claimed to have been approached by an extraterrestrial interested in developing an extraterrestrial cultural center.  I have not been able to substantiate the claim further, but it really got me to thinking that this is a really good idea.  We all know about the Roswell Museum in New Mexico which is a step in the right direction, but this idea of an international extraterrestrial cultural center goes much further.

Such a center must be credibly done and financed by somebody with deep pockets.  It should have a large library of contact material including the large number of obscure contact and abductee books.  It would also need a conference hall, a residence for guest speakers and scholars, a museum, and a department for galactic diplomacy.  It should be a joint exopolitical effort, and not be co-opted by any one exopolitical individual or group else it devolves into a promotional or money making operation.  Only the most credible people should be on the board of directors.

The museum would go far beyond what the Roswell Museum does and incorporate displays of various types of reported extraterrestrials, perhaps in wax, with information about each type.  Included in the museum would be a history of ET contact and cover-up featuring the investigators and whistle-blowers involved.  A third section would cover present attempts at ET citizen and government diplomacy including contact, treaties, cultural exchanges, technology transfer programs, ET political, scientific, military, religious and social institutions.  Other sections might be, media and communications, and investigations and research.

 It's hard to tell where would be the best location and that might be determined by those financing such a project.  It makes sense that Galactic Center (GC) could be located in a country that is ET friendly and would be supportive of such an enterprise.   Maybe a country in Europe or South America like Brazil, Ecuador or Peru would make sense. 

 I mean, if one looks on the Internet there are large numbers of international, national and local cultural centers, so why not at least one global extraterrestrial cultural center?  There is a huge global interest in UFOs and their extraterrestrial occupants so one would think something like this would be very useful now and in the future.  Perhaps if we build it in a credible way they will come. :-)

     Ed Komarek is a long time extraterrestrial contact investigator and writer and has written a large number of blog articles and is author of the now free book UFOs, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder. The book can be read and or downloaded at this website.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Disclosure Book Forever Free

Why I Decided To Make My Disclosure Book Forever Free.
 By Ed Komarek
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 My blog:  
 Book Webpage:
 Follow me on Twitter

    Folks can now read the disclosure book UFOs Exopolitics and the New World Disorder free on all devices from the book’s webpage or download a PDF.    In over a year’s time I have been able to distribute around 6000 copies in print and on Kindle through Amazon.  About 90% of the books were distributed as free Kindle downloads, part of their special promotion process.  I have decided to make the book free, because I feel must put disclosure above personal gain.

     Since the book is self-published I have had to market it mostly on Facebook.   I don’t yet have the luxury of a major publisher becoming involved, that can get it into bookstores in the United States and around the world.  I wrote this book because the public needs to have a general understanding of the big picture, in order to understand the very serious implications of ongoing contact and cover-up by world governments.  This, so they can make the best decisions possible as how to proceed to take back a bright future lost to global shadow governments.

     My goal now, is to reach tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of readers.  I am almost 65 years old and have spent 40 years of my life getting to the bottom of this issue, and I expect to spend my remaining years promoting this book and the valuable information it contains.  I show in the book that our western shadow governments are run by, or heavily influenced by, a small privileged class of global elite royalty, bankers and industrialists loosely associated with the Bilderberg group and other elite groups.

     This old money mafia has heavily infiltrated so called democratic governments and the mainstream media.  This mafia controls the military through their infiltration into the national security apparatus, the military-industrial complex that uses security clearances, need to know, special access and compartmentalization to keep their members and the public in the dark in regards to extraterrestrial contact and cover-up. 

     This is just a more sophisticated control apparatus using reward-punishment, same as the old slave plantations in the Deep South in the United States.  Instead of food they control the paycheck (money), to be used both as a reward and as a punishment if withdrawn.  Instead of the whip this shadow government can and has does use intimidation, imprisonment and even kill those whistleblowers under authority of the National Security Act of 1947.  To keep people ignorant, they control the Need to Know where the servant is only educated enough to do their job, but no more lest they invite insurrection.

     The last thing this NSA-MJ12-CIA shadow government wants is for their servants or the public to get an ideal of the big picture and to the extent they are being abused and exploited in regards to UFO/ET contact.  In writing this book what I have done is attempt to give the public this very thing, the big picture, so they can take action to protect themselves and take back a future worthy of Star Trek.  I provide over 169 footnoted sources of credible ET contact people and whistle-blowers that provide the foundation for the exopolitical concepts provided.  If the book is read on any device connected to the Internet, people can click on the small footnote entries as they go along.