UFO/ET Activism Now!
Is UFO/ET Activism Again On The Rise?
By Ed Komarek
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My Blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/
In the early 1990's Operation Right To Know (ORTK) http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2008/03/ortk-ufo-demonstration.html began a series of UFO/ET demonstrations and other forms of activism. We started with a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington DC that stimulated demonstrations and other forms of activism across America, even to Argentina and the UK. The idea was to try to kick start a global UFO/ET activist movement that would stimulate mainstream media to take the subject seriously and not only report on UFOs, but to seriously investigate the issue. Even though we are in the mist of UFO/ET disclosure as Richard Hoagland aptly points out, most informed people realize that mainstream press attention is still key to the final unraveling of the 60 year old cover-up.
Unfortunately in the absence of vigorous citizen activism on a variety of issues including UFOs the mainstream press becomes the lapdog of government and special interests, rather than a watchdog for the citizenry. In the 1990's the overall conditions for a sustained vigorous UFO/ET activism movement to end UFO secrecy was not favorable and our effort failed in its main goal to end the UFO/ET cover-up once and for all.
Some secondary goals succeeded like the focusing of major press attention onto the subject. I believe this succeeded in sparked many mainstream UFO shows. We also made inroads in stimulating an awareness in the UFO community that good science can't succeed if it being suppressed, and its data being manipulated for political reasons. A political problem deserves political solutions, something some very savvy propagandists and intelligence people in the UFO community realize very well!
Now almost 20 years later the times are changing and we are the mist of accelerating disclosure where the conditions are becoming more favorable for UFO activism. These conditions include with the rise of the Internet, Internet social networking sites like Facebook, Exopolitics, a growing number of informed individuals in the UFO community, a band beginning to sing UFO protest songs, and a increase of media savvy UFO experts talking to the mainstream press. (Stanton Friedman can't stand up to the media savvy propagandists and debunkers on his own!)
As Richard Hoagland in a recent interview with George Noory http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sfjEkYX5Ek pointed out, government's create boundaries that the mainstream press will not cross and it's not real unless its on CNN. It is now my contention that a ground swell of sustained citizen activism is growing to a point that will allow the press to push the boundaries of serious reporting and investigation to eventually bust up the UFO/ET cover-up. We can't hold the mainstream press entirely responsible for abdicating it's watchdog status beginning in the 1950's in the face of a government propaganda blitz of denial and ridicule and public apathy.
In 1993 in the second UFO demonstration in front of the White House ORTK got massive media attention that spread across the country and the globe. While the Washington AP, a critical bottleneck of press information, tried to subvert our action through disinformation and ridicule, CNN to its credit was there honestly covering our event with it's top reporter a good friend of a friend of mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI6BSLUV9UU Later Larry King from CNN covered our Pentagon demonstration. CNN has once again pressed the boundaries with its excellent coverage of the Salas-Hastings press conference in Washington. http://pnahay.home.sprynet.com/ufo/
Today Jeff Peckman supported by Larry Bryant one of the original members of ORTK have resurrected UFO activism with the Denver Initiative. Now that I am on Facebook and can see the possibilities, I have begun to help out to build up Internet buzz in preparation for mainstream press attention before, during and after this event. Since several days ago when I first began to push the petition http://www.petitiononline.com/ drive on Facebook there has been a sharp spike of petition signatures to over 1000.
Anybody can sign this petition even overseas and I ask folks to please do so. Your signature matters and sends a signal in support of Jeff Peckman and the power of social networking in general. With more social networking on Facebook by new UFO/ET activist leaders, we should be able to double and even tripe the number of signatures in a sport period of time.
Now a band is going to hold a upcoming concert at the same time as the Initiative in Denver http://news.exopoliticsinstitute.org/index.php/archives/487 and is singing about a UFO Uprising, all the factors for a activist movement seem to be falling into place, and this time I hope it will blow the UFO/ET cover-up sky high. I think all we really need is for more leaders to arise who can use the social networks well. This to organize and follow through on ORTK original actions to end the sixty year old cover-up that is not only destroying the environment by suppressing new cheap exotic energy technologies, but is suppressing human evolution on earth! If you believe in UFO activism please friend me on Facebook and lets get moving!!!!!!