Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Intel Product for Policymakers

UFO/ET Intel Product for Policymakers
By Ed Komarek
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My blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

I can see that my blog is evolving into a intelligence product for global UFO/ET policy makers as I receive more and more attention from policy makers and global UFO/ET underground groups. It's true that I must use material gleaned from public sources. This makes the accuracy of the information not as good as information furnished to policy makers with special access, but there are benefits to be derived from a second honest transparent opinion.

At least this intelligence product is honest, and I think that counts for something. I believe products such as mine can be used by global policymakers as a kind of spin trap for official agencies and think tanks. Most agencies have their own individual agendas and may manipulate policymakers through selective and misleading releases of UFO/ET information. It's not just us at the grass roots that have a credibility problem with official or unofficial briefings on extraterrestrial realities.

Now that I am in contact with enough underground groups around the globe, I think that I can work with these groups to coordinate a summary intelligence briefing for policy makers from public sources and from the expertise provided to me by these underground groups. As this concept evolves I think more groups will come on board and maybe some kind of open transparent organization or institution could be developed to assist global policy makers in their efforts to focus on UFO/ET related issues of major and minor importance.

I think the four major UFO/ET issues are: The overpopulation driven ELE (Extinction Level Event), UFO/ET disclosure and how to pay for it, International Security Issues related to trade with extraterrestrial races, and Consciousness issues. Some of the secondary issues are: Issues dealing with the secret space fleet's atomic reactors and Solar Warden's general effect on global security, Highly explosive issues dealing with Human Abductee Trafficking by covert groups, Regulating conflicts between Overt Regulatory Agencies and covert groups, Very Explosive Legal Issues dealing with questionable patents and patent infringement amongst corporations, Abuses related to maintaining a 70 year UFO/ET cover-up, The need for open transparent democratic global government to best address integration into UFO/ET realities, Issues related to extraterrestrial influence on global religions, Issues of corruption and criminal activities in covert operations, Avoiding global National Security Meltdowns, General societal restructuring to deal with UFO/ET issues, Conversion to cheap clean exotic energy sources, conversion to aerial anti-gravity transportation, issues dealing with lifetime extension, etc, etc.

As I begin to define these issues I see why extraterrestrial integration and disclosure has become a policy makers nightmare, and why second tier policy makers recently briefed, appear as deer in a tunnel, staring into the headlights of a oncoming train. There has got to be a great amount of hand wringing and denial in legitimate legislative bodies around the world and at the UN over how to confront all these highly explosive issues simultaneously being dumped into their laps by top tier policy makers. Only one brave public official is publicly speaking out on the subject and that is Councillor Hicks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmD_3Be41iA

As can be imagined all four of these major issues and the numerous secondary issues are intimately intertwined in a complex exopolitical web of relationships amongst ourselves and the various extraterrestrial races. Our short lifespans in relation to many ET races may be an obstacle to our collective evolution, but there are some benefits to having short lifespans, one being our ability to adapt quickly, once we become aware of both threats and opportunities posed by integration into ET reality. In fact it was the Conformers who commented to Source A that one of the most interesting things about our race was our almost unprecedented evolution the past couple hundred years.

Clay and Shawn comment, "It is important to define "unprecedented evolution." As we understand it from our source this would mean "unprecedented technological evolution" with regards to the human specie. Never have the Conformers seen such technological progress from a specie so quickly. Now we don't know if this means just this planet or other planets with other species?"

Of the four major issues, I think AF http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2010/03/british-mod-intel-ufoet-disclosures-by.html addressed the ELE issue quite well, as have Clay and Shawn Pickering in their posts to OM. In previous articles I have been talking about the security issues related to ET trade as well as disclosure issues. As for the forth major issue of higher consciousness, many years ago I addressed this issue which I may need to summarize in yet another article for policy makers. In my opinion this issue of vertical integration into higher consciousness is the most important issue relating to the future of the human race. Lateral integration into UFO/ET reality is not sufficient to bring about a bright future for humanity as is hinted at in the above comment by Clay and Shawn.

In the above article, AF also hit upon a very important secondary issue that seems to be playing itself out that relates to legal regulatory agencies colliding with covert operations. In this case it seems to be the UN's IAEA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Atomic_Energy_Agency colliding with OSW (Office of Solar Warden) over atomic reactors in spacecraft. This has got to be just the tip of the iceberg as to what can happen in other areas like the issue of human trafficking of abductees by the NSA and other agencies in the American Government.

When UN and national agencies involved in human trafficking http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking and human rights and international criminal investigative groups like Interpol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpol start investigating this human trafficking issue along with criminal and corruption investigations associated with a 70 year UFO/ET cover-up, the NSA, CIA and the Mossad are sure to fight back even more vigorously than with Space Fleet issue. Things could get very bloody and violent very quickly unless global policy makers take remedial action soon.

If folks think that the above is explosive enough just think about the violent infighting that can erupt over patent and patent infringement among corporations when all these exotic patents are up for question because their histories have been fabricated. In the absence of rule of law, transparency and overt regulation, arbitration and lawsuits, the only recourse for corporations involved in turf battles may be to use private armies against other corporations. Talk about a policy maker's nightmare. This transition to the rule of law, in a up to now frontier arena, is not going to be easy.

I would like to get back to this issue of atomic reactors in spacecraft for a moment. I have been thinking a lot about this the past few days. The first thing I remembered was the Cash-Landrum Case http://www.nicap.org/cashlanrep2.htm that occurred in the early 1980s. Then I got to thinking that I had seen material somewhere the past 40 years about putting atomic reactors into spacecraft to power the powerful magnetic and electrogravitic fields http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/secret_projects/project080.htm needed to propel the craft.

Then I thought about Bob Lazar http://www.thewhyfiles.net/boblazar.htm and his claims that the military was having trouble understanding the power-plants on alien spacecraft, even while they were gaining understanding of the magnetic and electrogravitic propulsion systems. Keep in mind that Bob was a Navy guy and there is considerable evidence that the Navy has been very involved in trying to understand how the exotic power plants on alien craft worked in order to replicate them. It is just not the Air Force involved in all this.

This sent me back through my old standby book of obscure facts on UFO/ET, the book UFO Crash Aztec, and I hit pay-dirt. This also explains why the Navy seems to have dual or operational control over the Secret Space Fleet code named Solar Warden. The Navy has plenty of experience in building, maintaining and operating small compact nuclear reactors for Navy ships and submarines. Keep in mind that this seems to be written in the late 1970's with the Cash-Landrum case happening soon afterward.

I think folks will find this page 366 on Operation Y in the book very interesting indeed. "Now that the military had recovered some UFO "hardware", the next step was to attempt to build something like this for themselves, as close as possible to that advanced technology associated with the originals. The philosophy behind the attempted duplication project was, "the first country on Earth to discover the secret behind that advanced technology upon which the principles of the flying saucer is based, would assuredly become untouchable as far as military power is concerned." "

"That is why the saucers were classified, "above top secret", in fact the most highly classified subject matter in the United States Government. This secret is extremely guarded in a very jealous way. In fact the "Committee of 12" will go to any extremes to keep it tightly under wraps! (See Appendix 3 )"

"The code name for this duplication program was "Project Y ", Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase number 1 was the initial analysis of the residue in government hands, leading to some kind of an understanding of the recovered saucers mode of operation. Phase number 2 was to eventually be the actual construction of a workable copy based on what was being discovered in Phase 1. Regretfully, we must say, after some 38 odd years of working under stringent security conditions, nothing has been accomplished toward completing Phase 1. The technologies seen still elude us."

"In desperation, some of the scientists on the project decided to bypass Phase 1 if necessary and proceed into Phase 2. In our relatively primitive state of comparable technology, the scientists could not find out how the saucers operated or were powered, so they did what they considered at the time, the next best thing. The substituted a primitive type nuclear power plant for the original unknown power plant in the same basic design."

Okay folks there you have it. Lets try to look at the Solar Warden issue in a larger historical context. In the 1920s and 1930s Germany was working on two parallel aerospace programs, a overt conventional one and a covert unconventional one.
http://greyfalcon.us/restored/1936.htm These two parallel very competitive aeronautics-aerospace effort that began in Germany have continued to this day in the United States and Russia.

In the United States and allied countries, I believe Solar Warden http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2009/05/solar-warden-articles.html has been the result or end product of the unconventional line of aeronautics-aerospace research. In both parallel efforts Russia seems to have fallen far behind, leaving the U.S. and its allies the undisputed king of the hill. It would seem that the conventional space fleet has become obsolete and is being dismantled remaining as only an expensive public relations exercise to hide the covert unconventional space fleet with bases reported already on the Moon and Mars. (There is lots of disinformation right now being pumped into the UFO community about this Mars base or colony in order to ofuscate the issue just as with SERPO.) This is a really good example how one very serious issue is complexly interwoven into other major UFO/ET related issues that policymakers must try to sort out and understand.

I think there is great hope and promise that humanity will be able to quickly adapt to these extraordinary challenges. We seem to be at our best with our backs to the wall. When our individual and collective survival is at stake, we have shown time and time again the ability to quickly adapt to a crisis once it is obvious and upon us.

Friday, March 12, 2010

British MOD Intel

British MOD Intel UFO/ET Disclosures
By Ed Komarek
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My blog: http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/

It"s becoming a challenge to keep track of all the underground groups emerging in support of UFO/ET disclosure. Folks that read my blog on a regular basis understand that I support a integrated approach to disclosure and ET integration, not a top down autocratic approach which I feel is dangerous to global security and to global democratic institutions.

Some of the many UFO/ET underground working groups around the world are becoming well known like the Military UFO Working Group http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2009/03/naval-officer-source.html in the U.S. which Clay and Shawn Pickering are associated with, and the Brazilian UFO Working Group http://www.cohenufo.org/BrazilianUFODocumentsReleased.htm that is working closely with the military authorities in Brazil to implement disclosure.

I have been reporting on still other groups http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2010/02/reality-of-et-integration-viable.html and in that vein I would like to report on a British MOD group that interfaces with an individual called (name deleted). This individual uses the screen name AF and has been posting to OM http://lucianarchy.proboards.com/index.cgi? for quite awhile, but has had connections to this group in British Intel years prior to his posting at OM. He became public on OM soon after the Source A disclosures began associated with the ad hoc Military UFO Working Group.

AF tells me he deleted many of his posts at OM when he and his source got on the hot seat as they began to confirm Source A disclosures. I have gone back through about 150 of AFs past posts not deleted, to gather information for this article. The OM maze of threads can be confusing so folks might just want to read the posts of people they are interested in. When folks post at OM there is a record of past posts under their screen name.

You can find AF's posts here http://lucianarchy.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=afirestone and Clay and Shawn's past posts here http://lucianarchy.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=viewprofile&user=temporal People can also write personal messages to the individuals they are interested in once they sign up.

There is a wide range of information in these posts including possible UN IAEA investigations into the atomic powered secret space fleet called Solar Warden http://exopolitics.blogspot.com/2009/05/solar-warden-articles.html that may have already resulted in one murder. There is information on the Grey's and their hybrids, some good ideas about moving disclosure forward around the globe, and a British scolding of the Americans for dragging their feet on disclosure and for not providing good political leadership.

Here is a portion of the information relating to Solar Warden, "Could be linked to this guy - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1224377/British-nuclear-experts-17th-floor-UN-death-plunge-suicide.html Any confirmation AF? No confirmation on this because as you can imagine this is very explosive stuff."

"Okay guys got some interesting news. In the back ground the battle between pro and anti disclosure has started to get very bloody. As you may know the UFO department of the UK MoD has been closed down (Dr Salla's speculation seems to be correct http://www.examiner.com/x-2383-Honolulu-Exopolitics-Examiner~y2009m12d5-British-MOD-closes-UFO-desk--impact-on-extraterrestrial-disclosure ). Which has created a situation in the UK where by my contact (and others outside the UK) seems to be under attack by NSA and Mossad.""What is different about this is that their may be links to the deaths at the UN IAEA investigator's who were looking into the claims that Soar Warden and the Aurora/ TR-3/Firefly were powered by nuclear energy. These are the same NSA and Mossad people that killed the Iranian scientist http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/12/iran-scientist-assassination-allegation-west AF" (Old folks like myself remember this old case that may indicate a experiment in atomic powered propulsion gone bad. http://www.nicap.org/cashlanrep2.htm Ed )

"This is what Gary told us what was ours and made it official.
http://www.ufocasebook.com/triangles.html This is what we have worked out out. This here is a official Mexican film of the Armada of nuclear powered anti gravity US Space craft. http://www.ufocasebook.com/yt44.html Here they are doing a standard re entry into earth's atmosphere. The fact they did this in front a Mexican Military Plane could of been a Psyops operation preparing for a False Flag attack on Earth. "

"This is why in my eyes Gary is a hero, he blew the lid wide open on a number of things for us researchers.""1. Most Triangles are ours. 2. This is the secret Black Budget projects that have cost trillions over the years. 3. These craft are surface to space military capable air craft.
4. They are anti gravity functioning in part. 5. They are powered by nuclear energy. 6. They were going to be used in a False Flag attack on Earth.""That's why the USA want him so badly, he destroyed a lot of their work over night and the rest of the secret Intel world know it. AF"

"I have to say that it looks like the UK and ET have joined to put more pressure on the USA. I don't know if I have mentioned but I have been told some time ago that there are some very high ministers in the UK government that know all about Disclosure. We are still waiting it seems for the same to happen in the US Government."

AF has this to say, in response to the Military UFO Working Group perspective, in which he refers to a ELE (Extinction Level Event) caused by human overpopulation of the planet. AF also discusses Gray hybrids and MOD ideas on disclosure.

"You are very close to the mark on a few things except population reduction. We all talk about population reduction but not by any sort of human cull. Their are programs in place that focus more on the continuation of Government over that of keeping the whole population protected from cataclysmic or economical events that would reduce the population dramatically. We talk about Global governance not by force but by economic influence."

"Hybrids will not take over the world but they will be necessary ambassadors between worlds. We will need beings that can live on Earth and on other planets, which we can't do. Abductions are considered a crime but genes, genetics and reproductive products are considered legitimate forms of trade between ETs."

(I have some serious concerns that I don't see being addressed amongst these intelligence professionals, think tanks and policy makers in regards to activities on this planet by the Greys, Tall Whites and by the Anunnaki. In earth history contact and trade between unequal technological societies often leads to colonization and even enslavement of the lesser technological power.

Contact = Trade = Conquest = Colonization is what usually happens with few exceptions. Japan managed to fend of conquest and colonization because they severely regulated European contact and trade on their soil. In the case of the Greys they are establishing a foothold not only in our society and soil but also in our genes and that is a very serious concern that does not seem to be being addressed.)

AF continues, "Okay the Greys seem to have very different understanding to life than we do hence why the Hybrid information has been given out. It is for us as a human culture to get our heads around. *Greys seem to have the ability to move their spirit from one clone like body to another if one clone body has died. This is what I have been told, and why the have developed EBEs Engineered Biological Entity's.* ETs have worked out that God exists and that there is some sort of Quantum Physics that can take you to where God is. The Greys and other like them knows what holds the universe together and what created the big bang."

"When ETs came to us we threw the best and the brightest but we were far from understanding the implications of what we were doing."*Which brings us back full circle which is Amnesty for the things our scientists have done with the Greys. *So what happened? Source A has said "Don't Don't Shoot the Messenger" and look what happened to him and my contact. "

"Like all debates both side have very good points. eg We need Hybrids for future Ambassadors , Space pilots, Space Explorers etc. How we made these Hybrids were done through very questionable means. The people who did this are the PTB the NSA Black Budget US/UK alliance the same people who control the listening station at Pine Gap *We can't escape what has been done but we can avoid dealing with it until the people that did these experiments are to old or dead to prosecute. "

"A few years back my contact and I discussed all the above, which has been implemented. We worked out that any first open contact that happens must not have Greys or Reptiods present. Due to the fact that they have been directly involved in Grey Abductions working with the US and UK Black Budget."

"Information I have been given from British Intel. Greys don't answer to NSA they work together. In some cases our Triangle Space craft is used in abductions. Greys agenda is the collection of Genes DNA and reproductive products of humans through abductions to create hybrids. In return US UK Alliance get high tech equipment support and info for space craft to weapons."

"Hybrids will be used for long term communication and contact between ETs and Humans. Can you verify Temp. AF" It is the NSA that sanction abductions with the help of the Greys. Air and Space Command just take the orders which is all funded by Black Opp. AF"

"Source A mentioned that amnesty was a major problem in the process of disclosure and at this current rate of disclosure Source A has very little to worry about. Due to the seriousness of the crimes people will revisit these issues of what has happened in the past. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM0NGbxzBVI The CIA killed James Forrestal Secretary of Defense and many more people like him and we have to ask our selves how did this happen. Also did the US Navy support the killing of James Forrestal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forrestal Sounds like Source A has to ask some very serious questions from his Navy about amnesty. AF"

"Well I found out the key companies that will have problems with their patents. http://www.ufocasebook.com/2008c/corsointerview.html They are: Du Pont http://www.dupont.com/ Hughes http://www.hughes.com/ Bell-lab http://www.bell-labs.com/ Dow http://www.dow.com/ "

"My Contact informed me that their is a working relationship between the Reptilians and the US UK Alliance. The most he has mentioned to me is that they are helping with engineering, science and physics. So my question to Source A is why are they helping? AF"

"This is from my contact. Most abductees experience some sort of telepathy during their kidnapping by Greys. The experience of telepathy can linger for a time after the abduction. http://www.ufocasebook.com/alienabductions.html Due to the work between the Greys and US and UK Alliance have developed a method called Remote Viewing. This is where a humans mind can view places outside their own body. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_viewing This was used during the cold war with various results.

The US and UK with the help of the Greys have developed Remote Viewing with different methods, drugs and technology. The Greys have far more Superior Remote Viewing and can see the future, which some abductees have been shown. The Alliance has developed a primitive form of Remote Viewing that can see the possible future.""The Alliance has developed this into a new weapon where by with Remote Viewing they can Kill a person or make them change their opinions or decisions.

In a Minor way we see some of this today where disabled people can control a mouse on a computer screen or a wheel chair. http://www.electric-wheelchair-on.net/main/brain-controlled-electric-wheelchair-and-mind-computer-mouse-pointer-part-3-the-conclusion/ ""This has developed into the air force where they have developed a similar way to control the space craft much like the same way a disabled person can control a mouse on a computer screen. Imagine what a skilled Remote Viewer could do with such space craft as long as the humans in the space craft could handle the G-Force. http://www.ufocasebook.com/2008c/outbackskies.html These are just some of the secret strategic advantages that Alliance does not want to release. Temporal can you verify."

AF gets into the dynamics of the political and exopolitical situation. "Due to a understanding between the factions they started working on a meeting at the UN, to test the waters. This is where Source A comes in. Currently ET has placed a outline of what it will take to for trade with ETs. Which is a World Government with the power to make nations do things, unlike the UN. AF"

"My greatest concern is that Source A has mentioned that if we can get our house in order and prevent these ELEs then we will be able to have greater openness with ETs. If you also put in the mix that we can make great changes during the Economic Crisis eg Green jobs, More Green Energy infrastructure, Green Cars, up grade public transport, the development of more forests, developing greener farming and food distribution."

"I still see little movement from world Governments to implement or fix the above but governments can seem to find a lot money for Wall Street when they need it. So the question is can we get our heads around the ELEs before it’s to late to fix the problem, because their won't be a second chance. AF"

"Look I couldn't agree more my contact told me that the Economic Crisis was created for the centralization of economic power. This may work for Disclosure and terms of treaty agreements with ET, but that is still being worked out now. We are a long way off from what Source A and Temp have mentioned about Earth getting it's own house in order for 1st contact. The battle seems to be in the detail. AF"

"Also depends on your perspective, you have to keep in mind my contact is British Intel. So we have mostly an outside perspective to what the USA is doing. Which we often do not agree with each other or the way the US does Disclosure. As far as I can tell Temp and Source A have had a few heated debates, but me and my contact have arguments. Which I love and I'm sure my contact does to, gets the blood pumping."

"Here is a link the quote is at the bottom http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/02/12/60minutes/main6202302.shtml Looks like PTB are talking more openly about the subject."

"I also think that ET has their own working group for disclosure and are as political as we are. I consider the Stephenville UFO as a flyby the Bush ranch no fly zone, which made this a very political statement.
http://www.stephenvillelights.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=1 What has just come in is this http://www.exmouthherald.co.uk/exmouthherald/news/story.aspx?brand=EXJOnline&category=news&tBrand=devon24&tCategory=newsexh&itemid=DEED12%20Feb%202010%2009%3A39%3A47%3A700 "

"In relation to the above article considering that the UK just closed the department that investigated UFOs which did not consider UFOs a security breach were gravely mistaken. UN protocols state that 1st contact and ET contact must be confined in restricted areas to prevent possible contamination. All we now need is ships to fly over a number of Nation States to get the politicians talking to each other openly about UFOs and ETs. "

"With the current situation, like all of you, when I see governments Disclose files and credible organizations lead discussions like the Vatican. I start to have hope that we are moving in the right direction. The current policy on my end which has yet to be implemented is that we need in the near future politicians openly talking (Through the media) to each other from different nations states about the UFOs. Now I only see that happening when something like the Stephenville UFOs happens over lots of nations. eg 1 giant white UFO much like the one repeatedly seen over Stephenville going across a number of nations. It would be a good lead up to Ships over cities. AF"

"Yeah, what I'm seeing is the cycle of money. Military Industrial Complex (MIC) gets Government grants in the trillions, then lobby Senators with the same cash. Then the senators would allow future grants to MIC. Now would you give that up if you were benefiting from it. The PTB will come up with endless reasons why disclosure can't happen.""I see very little difference when I hear other governments come up with reasons as to why they can't do certain things. The Vatican is the only one that has taken this subject seriously in trying to prepare their faithful for this realization. Which also reflected Source A's comments on the first meetings about ETs at the UN. "

AF replys to the suicides of children after seeing the movie Avatar. "UK MoD did a study on when will society be ready for first contact. It turns out that we were ready back in the 70's. Due to the amount our human culture have seen on the TV and at the movies on aliens and UFOs. What was also found was that their will be a "small" percentage of people who will commit suicide. These were people with a predisposition with mental health issues, religious fanatics, skeptics and scientists.""Of course the PTB that boringly continue to stop disclosure because of such concerns is ridiculous, and these facts should be aggressively shoved back into the faces of the PTB."

AF proceeds to scold the Americians, "We have a time limit to unambiguous first contact and time and time again US is the stumbling block. Currently what Im seeing is that Source A does not have the debating skills to push for disclosure on the PTB. "The hard fact is that this is all compartmentalized and the over all system is dysfunctional due to lack of leadership on the issue of ET contact with Nasa, Black Budget and UN meetings. Which should all lead to the White House and congress but doesn't. If MJ12 exists, the chair of that committee seems to lack leadership or the power to bring about disclosure. We seem to be stuck with a leadership that wants to keep a dangerous status quo. All roads lead to Rome, in this case all roads lead to Washington DC."

"I think you Temp put to much weight on the old money PTB in the UK to start and direct disclosure. We did it anyway which I have had direct influence over. To also say that our level of working group's has little or no influence over disclosure is also incorrect. I for one have seen more impact on our work on the middle to upper echelons of the PTB that you have."

"In 2008 and 2009 the UK had a office at the MoD that looked into UFO's and UK/Europe had more disclosure than the US ever has. Prince Charles mentioned that we have little time before we create our own ELE with climate change. Which is about the best green light for disclosure you will get from the PTB in the UK. I consider most if not all excuses from the US a red hearing, to confuse the debate and keep the focus away from the US power structure doing their job for disclosure."

"I feel that Source A has not done a good job in defending the disclosure agenda, only because he has not the years of experience and knowledge that we have. This is why my contacts are being attacked again. "The public doesn't give two hoots about the phenomena. Remember what the PTB said to our source". When Source A hears this BS does he turn around and say their wrong. I seriously doubt it and this is where I think Source A is not pushing it hard enough."

"All else you said is fair enough Temp but the NSA and Mossad are from your side and the people who killed the Iranian scientist (What are they trying to do start a war) are the same people that attacks the UN members and pro disclosure groups in the UK. It is the same old red necks in the US government that were supposed to be pushed asides by Obama and his aids, which does not seem to have happened. Where by we see NASA being told to shut up. I understand that your source are not the cause of this problem but this current situation has to be voiced."

"You are correct Temp but your working group continues to fail time and time again and the UK disclosure working groups pay's for it. In the UK we don't need Nasa to tell us that ETs are visiting us, we need the US to get their Sh*t together to make Nasa tell the truth. You simply can't have hundreds of UFO sighting over Texas and Mexico and tell the pubic nothing is happening."

"Your PTB in US are bunch of F*** wits in comparison to the UK or Chinese PTB. You guys are the problem and when NSA start attacking my friends and people at the UN I will give you heaps of Sh**. Very good writing. It's a good reminder that we need the PTB to unite on disclsoure and for the future of humanity."

"Whitley Strieber is a good case in example of what happens when you go from being abducted to understanding the Greys better than anyone else. We are at a pivotal time where the PTB are starting to understand that the ball is in there court when it comes down to disclosure. They have 2 choices."

"1/ Not prepare the population of Earth for 1st contact and force the ETs to put ships over cities. 2/ Prepare the population by having our top leaders of Earth openly discussing contact with the global population." "With 1 this could have a massive impact on the global stock exchange/economy and create a period of uncertainty. With 2 we will have a steady flow of change and discussion which will maintain the PTB structure with less impact on the global population. Now is Source A and Steven Greer passing on this information on to the PTB? AF"

"But the debate within the PTB that are anti-disclosure is "Will we survive this change in the long term" the answer is of course yes, but currently Im not seeing any groups try to calm the nerves of this powerful group. The PTB that are anti-disclosure are rightfully concerned about their future and have to understand that they will need help, compensation and new position's for these massive changes. Which in part was going to be the jobs of the Obamas military advisors eg General James Jones, USMC (Ret) AF"

"Ozzy a karma hit for you. I emailed the Vatican on this subject (With no reply) stating that we really need to move on with someone like Obama or Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General of the United Nations. Stating that ET contact has been made. Which should be lead by the world's religious leaders to calm the global population."

"The PTB are dead wrong when they say no one gives a Sh** about this phenomena, the problem is the person who will tell the world for the first time, that is the current point in contention. We are even getting the media to take this subject a little more seriously, which is a far cry from what it was like 3 years ago."

"This debate has gone far beyond UN meetings and first contact because when we do start openly talking to ET. The first question will be "how do we avoid this up and coming EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENT (ELE)". Which is why the current pro-disclosure faction of the PTB and the Military are starting to take notice. As Jar Jar Binks once wisely said "We are in deep do do" if we don't sort this out asap. AF"

"Looks like the PTB are adding pressure on the US. 1st Brazil and now this. Germany asking the US to join the new world order and other nations talking of a world currency. The Vatican -Embracing the Probability of Extraterrestrial Life?"

"This week the Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first major conference on astrobiology, convened on private Vatican grounds in the elegant Casina Pio IV, formerly the pope's villa. The gathering of prominent scientists and religious leaders from around the world suggests that some of the most tradition-bound faiths are seriously contemplating the possibility that life exists in many forms beyond Earth."

"Read the full article at: http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2009/11/the-vatican-embracing-the-possibility-of-advanced-extraterrestrial-life.html "The Vatican joins the search for alien life. The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have profound implications for the Catholic Church. Read the full article at: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/6536400/The-Vatican-joins-the-search-for-alien-life.html "Germany asks US to join World Order http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/6533428/Berlin-Wall-Angela-Merkel-challenges-US-power.htmlhttp://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/soros52

"Can someone do a FOIA for this? A NASA photographic expert said that there was a Building 8 at Johnson Space Center where they regularly airbrushed out images of UFOs from the high-resolution satellite imaging. I logged on to NASA and was able to access this department. They had huge, high-resolution images stored in their picture files. They had filtered and unfiltered, or processed and unprocessed, files."

"If this is the case then a media release will need to be prepared for the worlds media so that speculation will not get out of hand. Due to the sensitive nature of the information on international corporations. A select number of TOP journalists will need to have detailed information in regards to this subject. Given by the Obama administration."

"These select number of TOP journalists will then have to leak only the information of a Obama speech regarding the disclosure of ETs and that most, but not all, of the ET visitors are friendly. The reason for this is to stop panic and also change the tone of the media out lets from ridicule to proper investigative journalism.
http://www.ethiopianreview.com/scitech/12009 "

"Also keep in mind current information states that if all coral reefs are destroyed the oceans will no longer be able to absorb CO2. I am told it can not be reversed once this has happened. We are also currently in the greatest Extinction Level Event since that last great extinction of the dinosaurs. Which as Im sure you have all heard that there are now more animals becoming extinct than in any other time in human history."

"From the little that my contact gave me the Builderburg Group meeting in 2008 was crunch time. It was either let the economic crash happen before or after Bush's last term in office. Info wars had a spy in the Builderburg Group meeting in 2005 which he said in fine detail of a planned financial crash that would help bring in the next stage of the NWO. Sorry no link but I'm sure you will be able to find it."

"I personally don't see the NWO as a bad thing as I feel any thing has to better than the current system. Which to me looks more like Global Feudalism between Nation States and their corporations. All we can do is wait and see how this G20 will develop. Ok guys need a heads up and people to do some research."

"My contact informed me that the Builderburg Group meeting in 2008 had discussed hurting the PTB that are stopping the NWO. The implementation of which was the recent economic crash that was put in plan in 2005 that was intended to hurt the oil, car industries and Bush & Co."

"From what I can tell the Stephenville UFO’s that bypass the Bush ranch was a shot over the bow from ET to say they were very upset with the current situation. The recent economic crash has made the IMF more powerful and the French President had started to talk of a world currency."

"We currently have a new development of a G20 which to me is starting to look like the Upper House and the UN is starting to look like the Lower House, this reflects the westminster system. For the Americans the G20 is the Senate and the UN is the House of Representatives. We are one step away from having the first President of Earth but the G20 is currently looking more like a collection of Heads of Nation States that does not have a leader of the Federation of Nation States."

"A commentator said it was like having a Premieres Meeting in Australia without the Prime Minister of Australia to run the country. On a different note I have been sending information to a number of UN representatives that the US ET contact would have to be the worst kept secret and needs to be openly discussed in the General Assembly. Russia has openly attacked the US on the weaponization of Space which the US has replied “tough”."