Monday, January 25, 2010

Integration Into ET Reality

Humanity's Integration Into Extraterrestrial Reality
By Ed Komarek
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While the general public remains confused, propagandized and in denial in regards to extraterrestrial reality, it has become obvious to me that the extraterrestrial assimilation and integration process has been growing rapidly the past 60 years. Obviously most of this integration has been going on in secret and out of the public eye without adequate public oversight, transparency and safeguards.

Anybody who wants to seriously look at the evidence will find plenty of cases referring to hybrids integrating into government, secret meetings and treaties with extraterrestrials, direct human ET infiltration etc. I have tried to cover this in many of my blog articles over the years.

Elaine Douglass wrote a good article in the Journal of Abduction Research about a whistle blower who saw a hybrid running an employment desk at the CIA. A contact of mine going by the screen name Infotech was taken to a CIA building where there were people running about that did not look quite human. Britain's Councilor Hicks apparently met a hybrid on the street. This evidence is just too much to ignore.

A friend's source that claims family connections to MJ 12 had this to say, "There is rumor of grey/human hybrids. I have seen video and pics, but have never met one. Sad, but the video of the hybrid that I saw was, well, kinda cute ( it was a female). Very thin with almost Asian features and long dark hair, grey eyes and a small face. If you saw her on the street, you would think that she was a young Asian schoolgirl who didn't eat much! Scary!!"

Recently Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton admonished the Chinese involved in Internet censorship that obstructing the free flow of information in society is a very damaging and destructive thing and I completely agree. The problem is that it has been the U.S. that has dropped the information curtain on humanity by creating and directing the global UFO/ET cover-up the past sixty years. This is just one more case of the U.S. talking the talk but not walking the walk in regards to human civil liberties and freedoms!

This restriction of vital extraterrestrial information to our society has resulting in grave damage not only to earth human culture, but has also created associated collateral global environmental degradation through corporate suppression of clean, cheap ET related energy sources. I think the U.S. needs to practice what it preaches and end the Cover-up now!

How can there be a constructive collective integration of humanity into extraterrestrial society when this vital extraterrestrial related information is denied to humanity as a whole and remains controlled by a few political, economic, scientific and military elite leader gatekeepers? The greatest possible perspective is always vital and essential information that is needed by every individual and group so as to make the best choices as to how to proceed in life. What you don't know can hurt you!

Our situation in relation to extraterrestrial reality is no different from that of a farmer in an isolated region who has little contact with global society. In spite of his isolation, his survival, mental and emotional state is greatly influenced by global crop, fuel and fertilizer prices. If the farmer does not have access to this global information and knows how to use it to his advantage, his ability to make a living is severely compromised along with his mental and emotional health. Even Clinton in her speech supporting Internet information flow made comments in this regard.

With the extraterrestrial information being so limited to such a select few, no wonder that such serious mistakes have and are being made as we integrate into extraterrestrial reality. These secret errors and blunders not only put the whole human race as risk of exploitation and colonization by extraterrestrial colonial powers, but they threaten all life on earth from environmental degradation through human overpopulation and continued reliance on fossil fuels.
For those of us that have taken the trouble to become informed, the question is how can we speed up this process of integration and make the process more beneficial for the whole of humanity in the long run. It's clear that so far much of the integration process benefits only a small powerful minority of economic, political and military elite.

The first step toward rescuing ourselves from this approaching pending disaster is to end the UFO/ET cover-up quickly. Then and only then can we collectively work together to address extraterrestrial reality in a positive and beneficial way that maintains our collective independence, sovereignty and human rights and liberties.

The elite's selfish, greedy, fearful shortsighted approach seems to be based on maintaining predatory control over the masses of humanity. This natural competitive predatory process has become ever more extreme so that it now threatens humanities very existence including the predatory elites responsible or this deplorable situation. When the rabbit population in Alaska crashes, the fox and lynx population crashes soon after. What a mess!

We all know that the laws of physics apply across the universe not just here on earth and it's the same for natural evolutionary laws. I realize its a big step for people to understand, but even we and the extraterrestrials are a product of our environment and are subject to natural law. The most important concept that we must understand in this case is that nature supports those species no matter how advanced, that can most correctly balance competition and cooperation in the quest for new resources and environmental niches.

I believe many people in the UFO/ET community and in exopolitics have a very erroneous perception of the various extraterrestrial species and civilizations, believing them to be either evil or out to save us from ourselves. The reality is that every species across the universe looks out for itself first and foremost. It is true that some species are more predatory and very threatening to us while there are other more cooperative-competitive species that are smart enough to proceed with a win-win approach to extraterrestrial behavior rather than a win-loose approach. Fortunately for us we seem to be under a Nordic colonial protectorate that keeps other more predatory races like the Reptilians and Grays from colonizing and exploiting us too badly.

My friends source claiming MJ 12 family connections has this to say. "The base on Mars is the other end of the wormhole. They don't like to send people through it though. People are sent by STL ships, so yes one could conclude that OSW (Office of Solar Warden) is involved! (See Solar Warden Articles )

The source continues, "Nordic society is well, Nordic society. Imagine what the Vikings would have become had they not been hit by the black death and the dark ages. No, they spoke to me, although I am sure they are telepathic, they preferred to speak to me. They enjoy being around 'people of their kind', that is well, folks from a Scandinavian or European background. Simple logic there I guess.

Some of their ships are huge, being over 300 meters in length. Never been on one, but would sure like to. The Nordics appear to be galactic babysitters. But since most people are in denial, they ignore most people. Folks that are multilingual, real well trained in any field of the military or sciences, can expect a visit. Hell, they may visited you, and you didn't know it!! Not all of them are tall. the ones I have seen look quite normal and varied from human standards, although I have never seen a fat one!LOL :)"

I believe we should cultivate alliances with those that favor win-win approaches to extraterrestrial relations and avoid becoming entangled in relationships with more self centered predatory species even if there may be benefits in the short run being used to bait us with technological trinkets like the Greys seem to do. We should not even be involving ourselves with the Greys in my estimation. The word seems to be getting out in military circles as a contact told me about a military patch that had a Grey in the middle of the patch surrounded by the words, "Tastes Like Chicken".

My friends source had this to say on this subject I have been writing about in several articles about extraterrestrial conflicts and warfare. "The Nordics and the Greys had an alliance which fell apart at this same time. The Nordics, who can be quite warlike when they want to be, opened up a can of whoopass on the Greys, and the war cost the Greys a lot of ground.

The Grey's were apparently using the Nordics for their own purposes, and the Nordics were not amused. The US/EU/UN still works with the Greys, so we all know where this going to end. It would appear that the Nordics and their friends are the only allies we have out there. The rest want us as slave labor,breeding material, or food. Yes there are aliens that eat people. (Note that Charles Hall stated that the Tall Whites also lost a war to these other human extraterrestrials. )"

If a species, society or civilization becomes too internally competitive and factional, it can self destruct internally. If a individual or society is too outwardly competitive it will exhaust itself internally and collapse outwardly through excessive conflicts and wars with its neighbors. On the other hand if a species becomes too cooperative inwardly and outwardly, this can lead to complacently and so much self sacrifice that the species becomes vulnerable to violent externally competitive forces. We need both our violent and peaceful aspects of ourselves in order to survive in the foreseeable future. Both the ET hawks and doves need to quit fighting each other and come to the understanding that there is a place for both viewpoints.

In observing nature we can see that the human race has walked a very fine line between cooperation and competition the past 100,000 years. This balance has allowed us to become the top predator on the planet to the extent that we have wiped out other natural competitors and even other species of homo. Now that we have made it to the top of the food chain on earth we still fight and prey upon each other even while we also cooperate amongst ourselves to hone our competitive- cooperation skills in order to stay on top.

In the 1940's the military, economic, scientific and political elite suddenly realized that the competitive-cooperative playing field was suddenly much larger than anybody had realized or imagined. We were no longer at the top of the food chain but quite low on the food chain in regards to extraterrestrial reality. These leaders first reacted in fear and then later in greed as it could be seen that much power and profit could be had from secret exploitation of extraterrestrial realities and resources.

This has been a very dangerous, myopic and short sighted approach to integration into extraterrestrial reality. This approach has put us all at risk not just from secret internal predation from our own kind, but also from external predation from other more technically advanced extraterrestrial species in the galactic neighborhood.

In order to adequately fend for ourselves and maintain our independence, freedoms and liberties, we as a collective whole have to cooperate together to understand our collective situation and how to proceed to our advantage. We cannot do this while working in excessive secrecy and competitive cross purposes amongst ourselves. We must move the balance to more cooperation else we be conquered, enslaved, even destroyed and supplanted by extraterrestrial species more adaptable and balanced according to natural law.

This is the fundamental reason why disclosure must happen quickly and in a positive manner so that we can get back in control over our extraterrestrial situation. As a civilization we can't play politics, cooperate and compete with other extraterrestrial players adequately if we all are not individually and collectively informed and consciously included in the process of assimilation into extraterrestrial reality.

Part 2 to this series can be found here:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Alien Computers

NSA's Alien Computer Data
By Ed Komarek
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Suppressing UFO/ET truth is like breaking a vase and shattering it into many small fragments. Making matters even worse dis-informers and con artists scatter disinformation fragments about the UFO field to further confuse the fragment collector and comparative analyst's reconstruction of UFO/ET reality. This DARPA experiment is very telling.

As we go about the process of collecting and sifting through extraterrestrial information to reconstruct extraterrestrial reality, some of these small real fragments can really expand our conceptual horizons. One such fragment of information from a friend's source with MJ 12 connections did this by getting me interested in extraterrestrial colonies. Unfortunately I have to sit on the details of this information for awhile until my friend can meet with this person face to face.

This source said, "There are 7 major and 57 minor alien races in our section of the universe. If we expand to include our galaxy, the number rises to 11 and 124. So much for the 'no life in the rest of the universe' theory!!LOL :)I make a study of transplanted colonies, so I'll drive in that direction for a while. -----------"

I see that something very similar has happened to Vince White in regards to probable NSA downloads of alien computer data from crash retrieval cases (C/R's). Vince wrote in a recent missive, "I personally know, via a first hand source of three IBM software engineers who in a special contract with NSA, went to work in Texas for a year to retro engineer an instrument panel of a C/R and achieved very little because of excessive SCI pinhole access. Details provided upon request." (Vince could you send me this report so I can pass it on with your email address to others if that is okay with you.)

The problem the IBM folks seem to be having in this case, is that trying to figure out how a instrument panel works without access to the computers, software and the data base of the rest of the C/R system, is like trying to figure out how to run a computer with access only to the keyboard. When a fragment such as this falls into the hands of an adequately prepared receptive mind like Vince White it can stimulate a question that can lead to eventual discovery of a vast amount of very important information. Learning is all about becoming informed and capable enough to not only collect fragments, but to ask the right questions as to the whole from which a fragment originates.

Vince White continues, " The work ahead is vast. What did we really find in some C/R events? Vince then goes on to speculate and deduce that if the alien craft were not, "seriously structurally damaged such as the decrypted linguistically "cracked" databases and information systems aboard many ships from far far away found in some instances almost intact, even perhaps packaged with multilingual translation guides.."

Vince goes on to speculate with other information fragments apparently in mind that since this is obviously NSA's bureaucratic turf, secret parts of NSA's charter must read something like the following. "The NSA's charter, in part defines it's mission as: "intercepting, decoding and understanding alien communications, systems and technologies.""

"This portion of it's role remains a closely guarded secret, and is a special compartmentalized portion of it's structure, that even most staff of this agency do not know about. This special section has, however today, access to super computers measured by the acre, out of which astonishing progress has been made." (This even sounds like Vince may be quoting a source in the know almost directly.)

Vince now takes the bits and pieces of this data and attempts to envision something of what NSA could be accessing and its great importance to the whole of humanity, not for just a select few. Vince's writings are a bit hard to read but its well worth the effort.

"A PROBABLE EVENT. The Seventh Crash / Retrieval S.E.Utah

“The Procyon ship was a medium size vessel 110 ft in diameter, which was retrieved in the Utah desert in 1955, and was particularly valued and virtually undamaged. The special team led John R Pierce, who with his extraordinary mind working with Stan Ulam and Dr. Bethe, cracked the encryptedaccess routines, and were astonished at the size of the display catalogs, which which totaled over 76 Terabytes of data,unthinkable then.

The catalogs included; a galactic travel guide to over 4,000 worlds, a reference library ships manual, a gravity propulsion / engineering and operations, an encyclopedic view of the politics, culture, language,mathematics, biology, weapons, law enforcement rules and protocols of thousands of worlds, earth archive records back a quarter million years ----

Such wonders as, the complete genomic upgrade program for proto
humans for the same interval. Star maps with millions of 3 dimensional views and a hyper spatial map for 50 parsecs, holographic records of rim political unions and governance for half a million years. Several E- books of terabytes, estimated in human terms of two hundred thousand human texts. This included a shocking guide to advanced“Soul Transfer / Clone host engineering “ library , and a collection of poetry of 10,000 worlds, some of this used hyperScripts with telepathic linkage to reader.

The cargo bay contained A set of weapons capable of taking on virtually an entire air Force. A portable Galactic hyperlink access took over ten years to finally gain access to the galactic library systems, as the pass control code algorithms took another fifteen years to understand.

An historic note, both Stan Ulam and Hans Bethe after viewing the the ultra definition video of the library of Alexandria , and seeing it’s rooms with thousands of scrolls in records taken by Galactic archivists, were speechless for many minutes ---saying over and over, “burned , all burned…, very sad...

The direct access of these rich repositories, these jewel chests of mental and exo-meme treasures, has allowed these elites to see a wider higher more mature vision, of what we can be, to envision our future role in a tapestry of many diverse interstellar promises and threats."

Vince goes on to critique the UFO communities mostly myopic view extraterrestrial reality.

"This critique, admittedly polemical, is not only a condemnation of a current foolish policy of allowing most of the human race, to persist in a insulated kindergarten, a policy that will lead to disaster, one unexpected disaster away, but it will also similarly critique the UFO research community, for a allure of nerve and scope of examination. The long history has repeated a recurring pattern, of being stuck at one of a series of concentric spherical aspects around a core of truth.

In the 50’s many would not deal with humanoid encounters, Flying saucers yes, but not the drivers or passengers. How wide should the scope be? My answer is, however large you think this is, it is even bigger. It is certainly bigger than many British and European students, many of which have relegated the UFO to a sociopolitical miasma. From here, it seems clear, much of Ufology is merely nibbling around a small , tamed, cleaned up, and sanitized zone. The arguments aimed at convincing those for which no quantity of evidence is sufficient, to persuade we indeed are being visited, is a futile endeavor, as only in their face, ships the size of football fields, over their heads will reach these epistemological challenged."

So folks, especially you young folks eager for the chase, not so set in your ways and needing a little direction, Vince has asked a very important question and opened up a vista of opportunity. It's up to you to go forth and investigate and inquire of sources and fragments to answer this question both for yourself, the UFO/ET community and for the good of humanity. When you find out something please pass it on to the rest of us. :-)