Thursday, December 27, 2007

Beyond Dog Eat Dog

Beyond Dog Eat Dog
By Ed Komarek
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Thinking about extraterrestrial realities gives me added perspective on earth human evolution. I often find myself making comparisons between ethically advanced stellar civilizations and our own disorganized mutually predatory autocratic civilization. Anybody with eyes wide open can see that our society is organized and structured in a shape of a pyramid where the most sophisticated human predators occupy the eye of the pyramid. Starting at the top with maybe 300 sophisticated predators or gangsters the predator – prey relationships extend downward right to the grass roots. Democracy is so weak across the globe that it still remains mostly just an ideal or exists as creative illusion supported and maintained by autocratic predatory regimes to better control their respective populations.

I have pointed out in other essays that our global civilization is organized the way the rest of nature is organized on predator – prey relationships that use strategies of both competition and cooperation to survive in very competitive environments. In nature there is a shifting relationship between predator and prey, and a predator may be at one moment a predator but the next moment a prey. It is the same with human to human relationships. We mutually prey on each other to get what we need or think we need to survive and be happy.

Still, at the same time we can also see in nature and in human society another evolutionary current. It is evolutionary advantageous for prey to cooperate with prey and predators to cooperate with predators to survive and be happy and any particular moment. This is what started this movement early in life’s development where individual cellular life began to clump and work together forming bodies of mutually cooperating individual cells. The cells that worked together best ended up having a competitive advantage over single celled organisms or less organized multicelled organisms. The battle of course still continues between advanced complex life forms with sophisticated immune systems and simple microbial life that adapts and changes rapidly to attack and get around the immune systems of more complex organisms.

What I believe is happening today is that humanity on earth is just beginning to envision and comprehend how beneficial it could be like for all of society and for each individual in that society if human to human cooperation was increased and predation decreased. For those at the grass roots of society that find themselves preyed upon constantly by their leaders it might be easier to comprehend a better way. On the other hand it might be more difficult for the human predators higher up the food chain in society to give up their predatory benefits and position for a more collectively beneficial system. Ultimately it is going to be those with the most control that are going to have to see that the more advanced civilization in the long run will give them much more substantial benefit making it worth giving up their predatory benefits.

These predatory benefits aren’t really as satisfactory as what they appear to be. No amount of wealth can buy happiness nor can it buy true security when the rabble prey have to be watched constantly else they turn the tables and the sophisticated economic predator ends up being demoted to prey by the masses. The new predatory leaders and families emerge to take their place in the halls of power. So it can be seen that power over others and predation is a constantly shifting dissatisfying and insecure thing. Nobody really has security. Those at the bottom of the food chain don’t have it because they are being severely preyed upon by the elite. The elite don’t have it because at anytime developments can unseat them and they can find themselves falling from the top of the power pyramid to the bottom often very rapidly.

With all the power the predatory elite have they really are just as unhappy in their relationships with others as those at the bottom of the food chain. It is this more primitive system of predator prey relationships that is fault and all people from top to bottom have to understand this and be willing to make short term sacrifices for long term benefits of a more advanced society. I guess there is no way to hurry this evolutionary process up because it would seem that only suffering can move humanity forward while we are still at this primitive state of learning. It would seem that only after one gets tired of eating poisonous fruit that makes one sick that we individually and collectively quit planting poisonous trees.

I think the problem really boils down to being near sighted. Because we don’t see the big picture in its totality we make judgments and take actions that seem to benefit us in the short term but devastate us in the long run. I think more individual and collective knowledge and understanding about the big picture that involves extraterrestrial realities will really help us both as individuals and as a civilization. The better we develop this far sighted approach the better or immediate decisions are going to be in regards the long run.

More knowledge of extraterrestrial reality will help us to get out of the mess we now find ourselves in both in regards to the degradation of society and our planetary environment through a rise in consciousness. The degradation of society and our planetary environment are symptoms not causes. The causes are lower consciousness or awareness of us and our environment. For example the fossil fuels industry must quit suppressing or be made to relent and instead embrace exotic cheap new ET reverse engineered energy technologies. Otherwise it brings about its own demise as others pick up the torch and build whole new industries based on exotic technologies. The suppression of innovation by industry may help it in the short term but in the long term it will lead to the decline and destruction of the industry to be replaced by new industries that embrace innovation.

Creating A Bright Future

Creating A Bright Future (Part 1)
By Ed Komarek
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It’s becoming increasingly clear to me that in order to create a bright future for earth humanity we must engage not only the grass roots of society but the elite as well. We can see that human society today follows natural evolutionary processes of competition and cooperation because humanity is part of nature. We live roles as both predator and prey that are interchangeable at any particular moment. In our autocratic organizational structure nobody is secure for very long as insecurity reigns. Even the top dogs can abruptly fall down through organizational levels right to the bottom when they are old, arrogant or careless. The top dog can even die by attack from another top dog or just as easily become the prey of a street predator that scales the castle wall.

When we have situational awareness and control we are the predator and when we lose situational awareness and control we are become the prey. All of us interacting together create a pyramid shaped food chain within human society. This autocratic organizational structure involves a dynamic process whereby individuals and groups are continuously rising and falling from top to bottom. At any particular time the toughest, smartest and most efficient predators occupy the eye of the pyramid while the less efficient predators at any particular time find themselves at the bottom of the pyramidal food chain feeding everybody above them.

Both master and slave should ask themselves is there a better way to run a planet? This simple question then begins the process toward a better future for everybody. We can’t find answers if we don’t first ask the question. The question begins the search for answers which then become apparent and can be acted upon. I have been asking his question a lot lately and I have been discovering answers.

The answer to a better future for everybody is that we all need a societal organizational structure that is much more advanced than the present regressive autocratic idea of a global plantation made up of a few masters and a whole lot of wage slaves. This elite idea of a new world order is not new world order thinking at all, but just the usual old world order thinking repackaged in a more illusionary and sophisticated wrapper. It’s not going to get us out of the collective insecurity and misery we are creating for ourselves no matter what our societal status. Slaves will always be rebelling so as to escape the master and the master will always be afraid of attack by the slaves. Autocracy is a recipe for long term individual and collective insecurity and unhappiness.

Because I have an ecologist background I tend to look to nature for answers to some of my questions about life and living. I live in natural surroundings and I see everyday all around me the ever-changing dynamics of the competition between predator and prey as they strive to survive and find happiness in a very insecure natural environment. On the other hand what I also see is cooperation between members of the same species and even between species for survival advantages. Most important when we observe these competitive and cooperative processes on a cellular level we can find answers to our questions about the best way to organize our society.

Since the beginnings cellular life on earth single cells, and viruses have been in dynamic competition with each other and one of the strategies for cellular survival has been to clump and organize together to create what we call bodies. The cells in the body sacrifice a considerable amount of individual freedom, independence and happiness so as to share in the much more sophisticated collective freedom and independence and happiness that a body of cells provide.
While a cell in a body may still be vulnerable to an attack by a bacterium or virus or even physical injury it still has more general security, comfort, resources and well being than a single celled organism out on its own in the very competitive outside environment. In return for this added security, comfort, stable resources and well being the cell provides a special service to the rest of the cells of the body. The cell in the body has living home for protection and nourishment while the cell out on its own has no collective protection or home.

In previous articles I have discussed how nature builds a bit then makes a bunch of these bits to form a larger bit and so on. I have discussed how an individual person is one bit in a civilization and that individual people properly organized can create super-civilizations that are analogous to our bodies. In a super-civilization there is more individual security, nourishment, and happiness because the citizens of that society are all amply supplied with protection, resources and recreation. As in a body only during times of extreme danger and stress are resources autocratically rerouted to ensure the collective survival of the organism.

This seems to me to be a much better way to run a planet where the leaders ensure equitable distribution of resources and justice rather than what we have today where the leaders grow fat and wasteful of resources while the masses go hungry. In an autocratic society there is always going to be unrest and rebellion as the society fights against itself. Its obvious that such a autocratic society will only be able to advance so far without collapsing or imploding, then to once again as the phoenix rise again from the ashes of its own funeral pyre.

Our collective funeral pyre is composed of the accumulation of lies, deception, fear and greed accumulated over the past centuries. Even the top predators within society should be able to see this and that unless the situation is quickly rectified we will all go down together just as in the death of a body from cancer. The elite may even be aware of the situation also but are immobilized and unable to take action lest it only accelerate the lighting of the pyre. I have likened this to the catastrophic burning of Yellowstone National Park created by unnatural fire suppression by the caretakers of the park. When the caretakers themselves became aware of the danger they in their arrogance tried to control burn the park themselves resulting in a fire that got away and burned up the park in a catastrophic fire. In a sense their own worst fear were realized and it was too late before they realized they were the problem not the solution.

I would suggest that the Elite of his planet get off their high horses and cede the planet over to true leaders who can cut through bodyguard of lies and deceit and can implement a more advanced organizational structure for the well being of all of humanity. Right now these new leaders exist but they are marginalized and otherwise suppressed by the autocratic leadership of today.

There are advanced leaders on this planet that know who can turn things around and are waiting and hoping that the current autocratic leaders will realize that their dark vision of a global plantation is regressive and destructive to both humanity and the environment. The advanced leadership hopes and struggles under the suppression of the old to bring about a true new world order that will serve everybody not just a select few. Only such an order will last and stand the test of time not trapped in cycles of creation and destruction. Is anybody listening?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A Three Star General Speaks Out

A Three Star General Speaks Out
By Ed Komarek
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In my articles I have discussed ethically advanced extraterrestrial races and degenerate devolving races but have not paid much attention to races that are basically indifferent and who deal with us like we deal with animals. I was rummaging through some files from years ago in my barn to see what the rats had not eaten in regards to Operation Right To Know history. I just happened on an article that I had been wanting to locate for years. It was an interview that was published July 9, 1989 in what I think was Tim Beckley's UFO Universe Magazine. All I have is a photocopy of the article called, Blowing The Whistle On The Government's UFO Coverup. I have not been able to find this article on the Internet.

The interview is with a three star general and this general is presenting some very detailed documentation and pictures to the person doing the interview. The general is only allowing the interviewer to see the pictures and secret reports, then plans to put the documentation back in a file before it is discovered. This is just one of those cases that falls through the cracks and is forgotten. The general had not been interested in the subject but the interviewer had got him interested and he made inquiries and pulled in some favors which blew his mind. Then his superiors wanted him to be part of the awareness program and he refused. He got into a lot of trouble and decided to retire.

Here is a little of the specific information in the article. The general says, "There have been several crashes of UFO's over the years. From all documentation and information available that I have seen with my own eyes as well as the physical evidence, this is in answer to your questions. 1. The aliens really do not have any sort of "invasion" planned for this planet. Aliens have visited this planet off and on for thousands of years. (The following comments should be of interest to Robert Collins if he is unaware of this article. There is some very specific information presented and I wonder how it compares to Bob's stories?)The general says, " Our U.S. guest is over 300 years old. There are both "good and bad" aliens just as there are good and bad humans. They are not all that different from us. The aliens utilize around 55% of their brain capacity or ability. The aliens do have DNA, just as we do. The alien which is the guest of the U.S. Government is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 96 pounds. Large head (no hair) large slanted eyes. Some of the aliens abilities include moderate telepathy and telekinesis.

The purpose of alien visitation to this planet is one of curiosity and scientific research. Not world domination as some wouldhave you believe. Cattle and humans have been used in alien and U.S. research for various biological applications. Most humans are not hurt in this research and experimentation. Some however have died due to complications and down-right carelessness.Several cross-breed "young" have been born to both human females and alien females. We as humans are fully biological compatible with most visiting aliens. Some are not. More than one type or "specie" of alien has visited this planet. They are listed by category ....this information I could not retrieve. 2. The U.S. Government and the British have made secret treaty agreements with the aliens in exchange for technology and so-called "recon" missions during times of human conflict.

The aliens have basically agreed to not concern themselves with the wars or conflicts of humans. "Not to interfere" in society. Let the governments rule and decide. Exactly what the aliens get in return was not exactly made clear or available. Also, there are special "teams" which eradicate, discredit, harass and "trump-up charges" to control humans which experience any visitations from aliens, or make verifiable UFO sightings. This is one of the reasons I retired. It's too much for any government to impose upon the civilian population like this.

3. Many of the "strange" happenings which people experience with UFO sightings can be one of two things. First, simply an overactive and wishful imagination. Second and foremost is the influence of the vast mental power of the alien visitors. In the reports andexperiments conducted with live aliens, they have an incredible power of "telepathic suggestion." Combine this with their telekinetic abilities and just about anyone can be some-what directed to do or think just about anything.The general has this further to say, "Make no mistake, President Truman and later President Eisenhower gave specific direct orders to keep everything and I mean everything top secret.

" The "special group" assigned to oversee the alien situation and other government VIPs agree to gather all of the technology possible and put it to use for the benefit of the USA. I really wonder what other motives are there?"Further on he makes these very disturbing comments. The questioner asks when seeing the documentation, "why are children aboard these crafts? My God! You don't mean the aliens are snatching our kids? What for?" The general says, "There are over a million missing children every year in the United States alone. Now not all of them have been taken by aliens. The aliens take about 2,200 children a year from the United States and other countries. Its all right there in the report attached to the three photographs. The rest of the missing children are the result of Mankind's Dark Side." "The children are used in several ways: Biological, to educate and return, experimentation, disease study. The same as adults.

"The questioner is looking at the report, "According to the report, implants are being used on the people that are taken aboard UFOs and returned. Some of these implants are microscopic in size (and smaller) and influence the growth, function and learning capabilities of the individual. This is a very detailed report. Could I have a copy?" The general says, "No. Sorry but you know our agreement was that you did not get to keep or copy any paperwork. As well as the other matters we discussed. I warned you that this material is very serious and real."It sounds like from this material that the aliens that the general is talking about are not that ethically different from us just a little more advance technologically.

This article just has the ring of truth about it and it has just disappeared in the vast amount of information and disinformation that has become available to the public over the years. One of the benefits of being in his field for so long is the large amount of information that gets stored in the brain and that pops out from time to time when needed.Some of this material is disturbing and should be looked at in context. This is why I try to describe a wide spectrum of extraterrestrial life and point out the overall context that the universe is a very big place and is full of intelligent species as well as less intelligent ones. I believe it is very important to keep the overall context of great evolutionary diversity even as one investigates specific species. Other wise we will become conceptually trapped as so many already are in their own little clump of trees and so get side tracked and are blinded to the overall context.

At the risk of repeating myself too often we need the overall context, the conceptual framework so as guide our decision making processes in order to make the right decisions and take the right actions. There seem to be some, on and off earth, that want to attack the public's decision making process so as to subvert it for their own special interest ends. We must not let this happen to us. Lets keep our eyes on the prize and the prize is the overall context of our lives. We must not accept anything less.

Humanoid Dies In Sweden

Humanoid Dies In Sweden
By Ed Komarek
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While rummaging through my files checking on Operation Right To Know material I came across this article I have been trying to find for years, as well as the three star general article that is availiable in another post. This Swedish case is one of those cases that involves a ethical extraterrestrial human, that those who study less ethical ET's tend to ignore. Such reluctance to study all the evidence keeps folks conceptually trapped in their little clump of trees in the forest. I don't have a date on this article but it was published in the late 1980's or early 1990's. I think it was was published in UFO Universe Magazine as a reprint. I searched the net but all I found was a fragment of the article in a list of humanoid cases from 1955 so I typed in this article by hand.

The title of the article is, Humanoid Dies In Sweden, and was written by John Fontaine. It is noted that this report was filed with fellow members of a Swedish UFO group translated into English called Free UFO Study. This is a very detailed, extraordinary and moving case much like the story Larry Requa told me of finding the mummified alien bodies in BC Canada. The article follows. At an exhibition called "Love or Chaos" in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, Sweden several hundred people each day visited the FUFOS (Free UFO Studies group) stand to listen to continuous lecture supported by slides, and the many questions indicated that interest inUFOs is steadily increasing. One morning when several schools were visiting the stand, I noticed a distinguished gentleman, about 60 years old, who listened to the lecture several times and became extremely interested each time the slide-show came to the section about humanoids, a series of slides produced on the basis of a substantial number of interviews with witnesses. Even though the lecture was interesting, I could not understand why an ordinary listener would attend it several times, so my curiosity was aroused, and I started to talk to the man.

At the beginning he was very reserved, and did not want to go into details, but when he saw that I took him seriously, he eventually told his story. For an hour he told about his experience while I took notes, and indeed, it was a strange story:"I once saw and talked to a man like the one shown on the slides. In 1955 I was working as a lumberjack in the Gulf of Bothnia in Vestra Norrland in Sweden with two brothers who supplied timber to a sawmill in mid-Sweden. One early morning in July, about six o'clock, we were busy cutting trees, when we heard a sound like a big animal thrashing its way through the forest, or like branches breaking and rattling.

A moment later we saw a cigar-shaped object flying haphazardly in between the trees and branches as leaves were falling to the ground. My immediate thought was that it was a small airplane, which had lost its wings and was now preparing, without control, for a crash landing.""Approximately 300-400 meters away flowed a river, which the aircraft evidently was heading for. It was obvious that the aircraft would hit the ground within a few seconds, so we started to run in the direction where it had disappeared. 15-20 meters before we came out of the forest, the aircraft crashed in a clearing 30-40 meters from the river.""I don't know what we had expected, maybe a deafening crash, when the impact of the aircraft with the ground caused the petrol to explode. But it did not happen. Not a sound was heard, but a gigantic flash of light engulfed the whole area like a vast flashbulb, so that the sunlight almost disappeared.

The light was so intense that we in fact could see through the trees. For a second I could see the grains of the trees and these were more than one meter in diameter, like an x-ray. Seconds later came a vacuum wave sucking everything towards the center of the light. All three of us tumbled forwards, branches and leaves flying past us.It all probably lasted only a fraction of a second, but I still remember how I crashed into a tree, time stopped, and my whole life was reviewed in my mind in flash. Even thenormal sound of the forest had stopped." "When we had recovered somewhat, we went out into the clearing to see what had happened. Nothing was to be seen at the point of impact, only a few piles of timber were scattered around. We looked bewildered at each other and decided to return to work.

At the entrance to the forest one of the brothers suddenly shouted: "Here's a dwarf dressed in uniform." Obviously the plane has crashed in the river and he must have been hurled out.""For a while we stood paralyzed gazing at the lifeless body. He was small of build, about 110-120 centimeters tall. Around his body a white light vibrated like a halo. When one of the brothers tried to touch the man to see whether he was still alive he retreated with a scream. He was deadly pale and said he felt as if he had received an electrical shock. At the same time the stranger opened his eyes and said in perfect Swedish: "Do not touch me, it will only bring you difficulties.

"His Swedish was so perfect that the brothers who spoke a Swedish dialect could not understand very much from what was later said. "Now you know who I am," he said. He knew in beforehand what we were going to answer and just demonstrated that his question was correctly grasped.Suddenly I became quite calm and studied him closely. He was no dwarf. He was very well-built with broad shoulders and normal features. His skin was yellowish like that of an Asian. The eyes were deep socketed and black, without any white around. His face was badly bruised with a couple of big wounds on the chin and on the forehead. It did not bleed but the skin watered around the wounds. The top of his head was slightly downy and the hair almost white. The earlobes were one with the neck and resembled a shark's fin. The lips were wrinkled, narrow and colorless. When he smiled reassuringly, which he did a lot, he revealed a row of small teeth in the upper as well as the lower part of his mouth. I especially noticed that his canine teeth were flat and as broad as two of our front teeth. His hands were small with five slender fingers without nails and when he moved his hand it looked as if the ring finger had grown together to the little finger, if not they moved synchronized.

His uniform was of a reddish metal and appeared glued to his body closely. Head and hands were free, but at the feet the clothing continued into a couple of closed shoes, size 35-37. The foot-soles were ribbed and vibrated, and for a moment I thought of caterpillars on a tank.The stranger looked at me and nodded slightly. There was no doubt that he knew what I was thinking. With those shoes he could roll forwards and backwards without moving his feet. Around the waist he had a broad silvery metal belt with an unusually large buckle, which shone slightly in a light-blue shade, which later when he was dead, turned dark blue. In the middle of the buckle was a sign in yellow -- UV -- it looked like a V which was incorporated in a U.

He knew I was studying him, and he said; "It is because of the clothing I can stay with you a while. Internally, I am destroyed." His right hand disappeared into his clothing at the hip, where no pocket could be seen. He brought out a rectangular object. It was of the size of a box of matches with 12 small indents. With a slate pencil attached to the object, he engaged the different indents several times. When completed he tried to throw it a few yards away. "Don't touch it," he said smilingly. "It will tell my fellow men what has happened, so that they don't come looking for me. Where I come from somebody is waiting for me."The stranger lay for a while as if asleep. His hands were tightly clasped, and it was evident he went through great pains.Suddenly the brothers became somewhat confused, looked at each other, and then went back to the forest without a word. Later, years after when recalling the incident, I am convinced that the stranger one way or the other asked the brothers to leave, without saying a word.

I sat talking and listening to him for two hours before he died.What they talked abut for those two hours I could not get the witness to reveal. I begged and urged him, but there was nothing to do, just a few fragments like these. The stranger came from a place in the vicinity of the constellation we call -The Eagle-. Several races from space have visited us, some so far advanced, that we could only see them when they materialized or dematerialized to visit a parallel universe in the orbit of earth. Some visitors kept people on earth under surveillance and had done so for thousands of years. Others took samples of the earth, with a view to later settlements. Still others have had contact with mankind for centuries.In this context it is rather immaterial what was talked about even if it would have been interesting with further information about this conversation. I could understand from the witness that it had not been what was normally being told in connection with other encounters of this kind.

The witness continued: "Just before the stranger died, he gave me folded bag from the invisible pocket and said: "When I am dead, the light will disappear from my body and with the help of the other two men you shall put me in this bag and carry me out into the river where I shall disappear. Then you shall rinse yourself thoroughly in the water, so that you don't get ill."He was now breathing heavily, and I could see the end was near. The halo around him became weaker and gradually disappeared. His light blue buckle gradually got darker. He looked at me for a moment and smiled. The he said something in a language I have never heard before or since. Suddenly he switched into Swedish, and I got the last couple of sentences... "You have come with out any wish to and depart against you own wish. Our life is like vapor.

"He said a few more worlds, but his voice was so weak that I did not catch them. I am convinced he prayed to some deity before dying. I was very moved.With the help of the brothers we got him into the bag and carried him out into the river. The bag smelled of sulphur and burned our hands as if they were raw flesh. He was quite heavy between 90 to 100 kilos. When the bag came into the water, it started bubbling around it and we realized that some chemical process had started. After 5 minutes nothing remained, and I thought that maybe the stranger had hoped to crash in the river to a quick death, instead of lying for a couple of hours suffering, whilst a minor in the mind asked some silly questions. He would probably have preferred to die alone, thinking of his home light years away.

"I think that was all;" said the witness and prepared to take leave. "I stayed for a couple of years with the brothers, but we seldom talked about that special day. I think, however, each of us went through it every day. The brothers are dead now, but I remember it like it had happened just yesterday. Even years later I knew him immediately from your slide. It is strange, I thought I was the only one who knew this type. Over the years I have see many pictures and drawings of visitors from space, but I've seen nobody like him until today."The witness produced a piece of metal and held it to my nose. "Look" he said. I looked bewildered. It resembled a bit crochet hook. "What is it?" He laughed knowingly. "A couple of days after the incident I wandered around where he had been lying. The rectangular object was gone, but the pencil slate was lying in the grass shining. I have kept it as a proof that I was not dreaming."He left. And while I gazed astonished after him, he disappeared in the crowd. An anonymous, who with his story and pencil slate could hit the front page on the world's newspapers.

I believe that only because the story is true, it possible to carry it alone for so many years. A psychiatrist could possible determine that a slide picture opened up for a long subdued incident, suppressed of fear for ridicule. There are probably many stories like this which are unfortunately never known.