Saturday, March 01, 2008

Air Force Bombs Civilians With Flares?

Air Force Drops Flares to Quell UFO Reports?
By Ed Komarek
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The following is a press release that I intend to send to local newspapers in the South Georgia area where UFO/ET sightings are taking place so they can be alerted to the unfolding of these events and be prepared for the inevitable government lying and debunking of the subject. I expect plenty of people over the years have sighted extraterrestrial craft in this area but have been keeping the knowledge to themselves for fear of ridicule. This article is a follow up on a previous article. See:

Events such as these in conjunction with interest from local media should flush out many past collateral ET sightings. I believe that this is what the Air Force fears and is the reason for the flare drops. I predict that the flare drops will be used support a cover story to confuse the mainstream media and the public at large. I have heard of one small flare drop on the night of the eclipse of the moon but nothing as on this scale.

I would like to report that I have been told that there is much more going on at Moody Air Force base than is public knowledge and much of the activity could deal with extraterrestrial realities. This could be promising territory for some interested reporter or ET investigator. I was told that at a local public meeting somebody from the base confirmed that there was a crash retrieval unit and program at the base. Of course nothing was said about retrieving anything other than conventional aircraft. J

I would also like to report that a well know skeptical friend of mine in Panacea Florida had a UFO sighting this week over Dickerson Bay, another local unreported hotbed of UFO activity for the past 30 years. Things do seem to be heating up locally. Last year I along with J.R. and S.B. watched three UFOs south of Fiddlers Point and east of Mashes Sands out over the ocean. Maybe the Air Force from Pensacola Florida ought to scramble a few jets and put out a few flares over Dickerson Bay as another preemptive measure while they are at it. J

A contactee friend reports that a relative she talks to regularly by phone had a UFO sighting at 9:30 in the evening her time in Sands Springs Okalahoma about 20 miles west of Tulsa on 2/28/08. It was a row of 4 lights, blue, red, and orange. Then several jets showed up. Then at 1:00 pm 2/29/08 this relative saw a white orb the size of a basket ball pass by her window. When she was on the phone to my contactee friend voices came on and somebody said, “We are watching you.” My contactee friend heard the last word “you”. The sighting in the evening would be about one hour before jets began dropping flares around my contactee friend’s home near Moultrie Georgia.

In my opinion I believe the U.S. Air Force has made a serious tactical error in judgment in attempting to preempt and suppress UFO sightings just east of Moultrie Georgia. I think they may have just thrown gasoline on the fire and placed themselves in a catch 22. They either have to deny the bombing of civilians and their homes and businesses with flares or admit to this act. Its going to be difficult to deny because of the obvious nature of the bombing and witnesses involved. Regardless of the UFO/ET element this dropping of flares on civilians is a serious matter and could become regional and national news.

Hopefully by the time readers read this there will be a thread up on the Open Minds Forum for UFO investigators, witnesses, reporters, citizens and government employees to share information in real time on this rapidly developing grass roots citizen initiated UFO/ET disclosure event. J

Air Force Drops Flares to Quell UFO Reports?

Press Release Contact: Ed Komarek

The Air Force response to my report on UFO activity east of Moultrie Georgia was swift immediate and very dramatic. I think I have stirred up a hornets nest. J
My UFO/ET report went on to the Internet in the early afternoon of February 28. A contactee friend reported to me on February 29 that on the evening of the 28 about 9:30 large numbers of jets flew into the area of my friend’s homes and started dropping flares so close that the smell of the flares and smoke enveloped the area creating fog banks over the chicken houses and to the north of her home. She reported that the jets would dive down and release the flares as they were pulling up. It smelt of gunpowder and sulfur like a fireworks display said a witness. These were short duration flares. This dropping of flares in response to UFO sighting activity is well known within the UFO/ET community as a means to confuse the issue amongst the public and in particular the local mainstream media.

I have been told that UFO reports by local citizens in the area of Moultrie may have been suppressed by a local Moultrie newspaper, called the Moultrie Observer that regularly debunks and ridicules UFO sightings. We hope that other newspapers and media in this area including The Valdosta Times and The Tifton Gazette, will not fall to this level of reporting and will report fairly on these events as they develop.

We hope that the Air Force’s preemptive flare strike against public and media extraterrestrial consciousness will backfire and that the media will not bend to political pressure as in Stephenville Texas.
In addition I hope there is a local newspaper with the backbone not to buckle under and be shackled by demands from the national security establishment as these events unfold. The people have a right to know the truth and the 60 year UFO/ET cover up must end.