Religious Activism and UFOs
Religious Activism and UFOs
By Ed Komarek
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Both secular and religious people have been drawn to exopolitics and the UFO/ET field in general. I think the reason religious people seem to be ahead of the curb of say the environmentalists, is that those that really study religious teachings can see that the same sort of thing that was happening thousands of years ago and recorded in religious texts is still happening today. Truly religious people understand that religion must keep up with modern day advances in knowledge and truth and so these modern ideas pose no threat to their religion.
Modern thinkers and activists can see that the people thousands of years ago were involved in extraterrestrial reality and that this reality shaped the religious thinking that continues to this day. The only difference was that thousands of years ago people were less sophisticated and had to use their limited means to try to understand fantastic things. For those with open minds it can be seen that heaven meant outer space and Gods and demons were terms the people used to try to differentiate between those ET races that were benevolent and helpful and those that were not.
Open minded religious thinkers and activists don’t cling to the past when confronted by modern day knowledge and reality but instead incorporate new understanding and knowledge into their religion. Today so much more is known about soul reality and extraterrestrial reality that it is a shame that so many religious people remain in denial of facts that now support their faith. Of course new truths are problematic for many because they seem to be in conflict with archaic truth expressed in ancient religious texts. The real truth is that truth is truth and will always be truth, but perceptions do change with the times. So there really is no conflict as far as truth is concerned only how truth is perceived.
So it would seem that religious people that can differentiate between truth and perception have a leg up and are ahead of the curve when it comes to understanding extraterrestrial realities. Still the truth can be harsh and disconcerting to those who strongly adhere to belief and faith when faced with evidence that require a change of perception and perspective.
New truths or new perspectives are opening up in modern times that are very exciting and enlightening and are enhancing religion to a point where old out moded religious perspectives and established institutions seem quaint and primitive. Religion is very much alive and flourishing in modern times and those activists that can make the grade are leading the others, if abet reluctantly, into the religions of the 21 century.
Religion concerns itself with ethics and values and the life of the soul in and out of its mortal habitation. So much work has been done studying out of body experiences, past life experiences, extraterrestrial reality and soul reality. We can now begin to see that eternal life and mortal life is so much more than can possibly still be imagined. It just boggles the mind and the more one knows the more one realizes how much one really does not know.
The perspective that is coming into view is one of vast complexity and wonder. Many very diverse and similar life forms move between corporal realities and eternal reality. The manner of individual choices and movement seems to be just as vast as there are individuals. These truths may be disconcerting to religions of the west where reincarnation was suppressed by the orthodox to the point of murdering millions of free thinkers, or heretics. Those that believed in a personal relationship with God and reincarnation were exterminated in the west but not so for the eastern religions which have embraced reincarnation, self development and personal responsibility.
The modern religious perspective now coming into view is that individuals move into corporal realities and put on bodies and then lose them just as a person puts on and takes off a suit of clothes. The reason souls incarnate into bodies is for the same reasons that virtual realities are being designed today even though in primitive form.
A body is needed to negotiate and interact with a virtual world for both entertainment as well as education purposes. When one lives and finishes a life one moves on. From both a modern understanding of eternal overall reality and extraterrestrial corporal realities it can be seen that not only does a individual incarnate just on earth but elsewhere as well and in both primitive and advanced stellar societies depending on what needs to be learned.
Religious activists and secular activists find themselves drifting together in the field of exopolitics unified by a common goal to understand exopolitical truths and to end the insidious UFO/ET cover of extraterrestrial reality by established interests. Both religious and secular realize that this cover up is extremely destructive to humanity and to the environment. Religious and secular activists realize that the cover up favours unfriendly or demonic extraterrestrial races and impedes the more ethically advanced races being able to help us.
Religious people see these less ethical races as satanic, the losers in a battle in heaven long ago and secular activists see these less ethical races more ecologically as predatory races in conflict with more cooperative races in the universal drama of nature and evolution. Both religious and secular understand that these less ethical races collaborate or even maybe control world governments and the mass media, pushing us all into an Orwellian world of suffering and slavery.
Still the scriptures hold out hope for the oppressed and say that this fall into destruction will fall back onto the destroyers of the earth and their best laid plans will come to naught. Finally in the end times the more ethical races will appear when mankind has had its fill of violence, suffering and the predatory ETs and will lead the way to a new heaven and a new earth. We activists realize regardless of background or religion that the secret, deceptive UFO/ET cover up is inherently destructive and must be ended as soon as possible for the good of all humanity.
(Note: This article is one of a series of articles addressing different factions within society as to the need to understand extraterrestrial realities and ending the UFO/ET cover up.)
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