By Ed Komarek
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Since the book is self-published I have
had to market it mostly on Facebook. I don’t yet have the luxury of a major
publisher becoming involved, that can get it into bookstores in the United
States and around the world. I wrote
this book because the public needs to have a general understanding of the big
picture, in order to understand the very serious implications of ongoing
contact and cover-up by world governments.
This, so they can make the best decisions possible as how to proceed to take
back a bright future lost to global shadow governments.
My goal now, is to reach tens of thousands
if not hundreds of thousands of readers.
I am almost 65 years old and have spent 40 years of my life getting to
the bottom of this issue, and I expect to spend my remaining years promoting
this book and the valuable information it contains. I show in the book that our western shadow
governments are run by, or heavily influenced by, a small privileged class of global
elite royalty, bankers and industrialists loosely associated with the
Bilderberg group and other elite groups.
This old money mafia has heavily infiltrated
so called democratic governments and the mainstream media. This mafia controls the military through their
infiltration into the national security apparatus, the military-industrial complex
that uses security clearances, need to know, special access and compartmentalization
to keep their members and the public in the dark in regards to extraterrestrial
contact and cover-up.
This is just a more sophisticated control
apparatus using reward-punishment, same as the old slave plantations in the
Deep South in the United States. Instead
of food they control the paycheck (money), to be used both as a reward and as a
punishment if withdrawn. Instead of the
whip this shadow government can and has does use intimidation, imprisonment and
even kill those whistleblowers under authority of the National Security Act of
1947. To keep people ignorant, they
control the Need to Know where the servant is only educated enough to do their
job, but no more lest they invite insurrection.
The last thing this NSA-MJ12-CIA shadow
government wants is for their servants or the public to get an ideal of the big
picture and to the extent they are being abused and exploited in regards to
UFO/ET contact. In writing this book
what I have done is attempt to give the public this very thing, the big picture,
so they can take action to protect themselves and take back a future worthy of
Star Trek. I provide over 169 footnoted
sources of credible ET contact people and whistle-blowers that provide the foundation
for the exopolitical concepts provided.
If the book is read on any device connected to the Internet, people can
click on the small footnote entries as they go along.