Annunaki Contact
Annunaki Contact Case
By Ed Komarek
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Many people may be familiar with the Lake Erie UFO sightings that have been getting plenty of mainstream press attention. and for some Lake Erie UFO history try this link.
What most people don’t realize is that what Michael Lee Hill and others have been videotaping over Lake Erie is but the surface features of something much deeper, a developing Annunaki contact case. I have become involved in this case because I have been gathering cases that support the claims being made by Ar Bordon of not just contact with several types of extraterrestrials, but of attending annual meetings attended by earth humans and extraterrestrials, many who are human like ourselves.
What I am doing is all part of the process of not only identifying the different ET races interacting with earth’s humanity, but also working to determine the motives and agendas of the different races some that are covertly involved with global governments and military on an ongoing basis. This spring I traveled to Nevada, specifically the Indian Springs area next to Nellis AFB to try to find more cases to back up parts of Charles story relating to his experiences with a type of human ET called the Tall Whites. I was successful in doing so and proved to my satisfaction that indeed the TW do exist and that Charles has accurately portrayed something of the motives and agenda of this race of ETs.
I also had the opportunity to interview Clifford Stone and Charles on this trip giving me even more information on various ET types and something of their motives and agendas. Charles told me he has also met a Tall Grey in the desert and at their base at Area 55 at Nellis. The TW have their base up in the range area. I have been able to get a pretty good picture of what the agenda and motives are of one of the types of Greys that most are familiar with who abduct people to steal eggs and sperm to create hybrids to infiltrate and influence our society to their own ends. I am working on building up profiles of other human ETs including those known as Nordics.
I have not paid much attention to the Annunaki and their operations on earth, until I got to know Ar Bordon and set about trying to see if I could find cases that would back up his story. I recently wrote up a small Facebook note as follows:
I got Ar Bordon's permission to post this in order to clear up some misperceptions about him and give folks an idea of what he is about as best I can tell. He said it was accurate and concise.
Ar Bordon (pen name) is the most public individual node in a network of people who have had direct contact with various individual extraterrestrials and groups, both of a human nature and non-human nature. This exopolitical network, in which Ar is a part, has direct face to face and telepathic contact and communication with ETs but is independent of National military and intelligence groups. Its parallel is the emerging exopolitical community that is much larger, but mostly without the extensive direct access to extraterrestrials as does Ar’s network.
This network does liaison with the military and intelligence agencies involving issues of National Security when considered necessary.
The members of this exopolitical network have backgrounds with corporations, military and intelligence agencies, but the group works independently and negotiates as a loosely knit operation to identify and to understand the evolution, motives and agendas of a rather large number of extraterrestrial races and civilizations and their interactions with earth humankind.
These direct interactions include several types of humans that closely resemble us enough to interact with us on the street without us knowing who they are. Other types of humans we would recognize as different from us if met on the street. Types that are not human include several kinds of Greys, several types of beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries and others including machine intelligences, robots, etc.
The big picture is of a well-populated universe of space faring beings of very diverse nature, some who have taken an interest in Earth affairs for a number of reasons as it is profitable for them to interface with us out of self-interest and cooperative interest. End
Now keep in mind that I have other friends and associates that like Ar are embedded in networks of relationships that have been built up over a lifetime. This is how people like Clifford Stone and Charles Hall keep up with developments inside and outside of government.
I got a real break in backing up parts of Ar Bordon’s experiences when I met Michael Hill through Facebook. There is a lot of information being conveyed to Wes Penre who has just told me he has written a book that includes much more information given by Michael and he hopes to have it edited and available in a couple of months. The following is some of the information I would like to get out in the public domain right away for those with an interest in documenting and researching Annunaki contact cases.
Ed, during that first meeting with "Them" which I believe now to be the Marduk led remnants, the Boyd Bushman subject was brought out first, and it was not done in a gentle way, Their Fangs came out if you know what I mean. This leader figure told me he worked for a group of people who decided what will be released, That he was an actual family member of the J. Allen Hynek Family and this family was still in control of what is released, and the Boyd Bushman info was not on the list, he asked me how this Boyd info came to be released.
I told him I willed it into manifestation and I thought it was BS that this info was being withheld from humanity. Well they found me hard to scare and the Leader Anunnaki figure stated, Michael, We need to know what you know and they brought these wands that have what looked like a bright purple LED at the end of this, and it seemed almost to be kinda like a laser pointer. He pointed it directly at my 3-rd eye.
As A.R. communicated to me…,"The “mental” procedures you said to have been exposed to, involving light etc., are far more commonly used now and there are other ways besides lie detectors to know whether and what I person does or does not know." Well this "Mind Probing" changed the whole course of this unfolding meeting. The meeting went from interrogating me over the Boyd Bushman info to all of a sudden this leader figure becoming very excited, Stating Oh My God, you are one of us! How did you come to be here?
We have been waiting for you to have a council meeting; we can do that right now if you please? I said regarding what? They said it would not be long until there would be another planet visible in our skies and they wanted to talk about what effect we believed this and the Anunnaki revealing themselves would have on humanity? I will finish this in another post.
I was told that this being I was sitting before was a "King" of the Anunnaki. An Actual name of this man was never given but after all that went down; my own guess is Marduk of The Anunnaki.
He went on to tell me that he was what is known as the Anunnaki, and that I am also a part of this Anunnaki family and it was a great synchronicity that I was "LED" there because now a meeting could commence between us all, over a "Change in Anunnaki Leadership" and there would be a new time arriving for mankind and a new "Game plan" needed to be discussed.
They told me the truth of the situation was that another member of the Anunnaki and I had incarnated into this lifetime as a humans in every way, to be here for these changes.
The Anunnaki Loki then intervened and said I have spoken with Michael already and he believes as I that humanity is ready for open contact and that Humanity should have the chance to evolve into a Galactic society, They are ready. I then spoke up and backed up why I believe the masses are ready for first contact. I told them the exact same thing I have communicated to you already, that I believe that without the bondage that has kept the human race in survival mode, that humanity would & could reach it's true potential. Loki & I teamed up on the "Give Humanity a chance to show their stuff, we are ready" bandwagon.
This male on the Bed (Marduk) said, well, it must be time! If that is what you feel, let’s do it, let’s make it so, I then said...."When?"
He said Obviously BEFORE 2012, he answered in a tone like he was annoyed by the question :-)
The next morning I awoke and got out of my tent and poured some water over my head and at that exact moment, I noticed a male and female walking by my tent on the dirt road and I instantly know that was the Anunnaki leader male I seen the previous night only now he looked very Human and he then looked me in the eye and said "Good Morning Commander Michael!"
He now had a human appearance but you could still see the same sculpted facial features but they were subdued and he also had radiant blue eyes. We spent much of the next day together. He offered to make me dinner, the meal was really good, lamb with Okra and a curry sauce. We talked. I asked him what should be done about the "Boyd Bushman" info being revealed in mine & Sereda's film?
He said, "Now that they know you are one of us they will not be able to touch you, so don't worry about it." So to say they are part of the group withholding this information is correct but they have also now backed the release of the Bushman info and revealing themselves to humanity. Which is happening as we speak.
I was once told there was a meeting of galactic leaders as to why the Earth should be helped or not. There were a lot of quick judgments as to leaving the Earth and its inhabitants to their fates of doom and destruction. But there were also those who wanted to help and they couldn't just come here to do it themselves the way they were because it would violate free will... so there was a test given even to the Anunnaki. To be born here on Earth as humans, to be in THEIR shoes so to speak and if they gave in and were corrupted, the earth shall be left to its destruction.
If they could keep the light and awaken within this nightmare as humans, they can change things and bring about the golden age so no free will would be breached because it would all be done from within enemy territory, from behind enemy lines! This planet is not to fail for it would affect all else because everything is connected. Michael Hill found this interesting article relating to the Anunnaki in Flying Saucer Review.
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