
Monday, April 13, 2009

Stevens Interview

Eisenhower ET Meeting at Muroc and more on Solar Warden
By Ed Komarek
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I had wanted to catch up with Wendelle Stevens for awhile and so I called him this Sunday afternoon and we had a nice chat. I don’t think there is any civilian better informed on UFO/ET reality than Wendelle. I mentioned Operation Solar Warden and found out that Wendelle has been involved in this case for quite awhile. Wendelle seems to imply that Gary McKinnon’s hippie friends are not going to let the Americans get their hands on Gary without a fight.

It would seem that Gary may have passed on to his friends, copies of his Solar Warden files that include the names of captains of three space carriers and the hull numbers of those carriers. Now that the British House of Lords has caved in to extreme American pressure and Gary may be extradited to the United States his friends seem afraid that he will be covertly executed. Gary ’s friends seem to be willing to risk their own lives for their friend and to make public copies of the documents that Gary discovered on the Internet. Sounds like a real showdown at the OK corral folks between a few young British computer nerds and American’s heavy handed intelligence agencies.

The other thing that Wendelle and I talked about was the Muroc Eisenhower briefing that my contact Sam Standland had told his biological daughter Mary Ann about. Wendelle independently confirmed Sam’s story. Wendelle gave me plenty of detail of the meeting but could not confirm that when the meeting ended guns were drawn on the ETs and that the ETs walked out through walls of the hanger and back onto their ship. Sam Standland had only seen a film of this meeting while working in the Pentagon during the 1970s I think.

I think Wendelle told me that Eisenhower left from Palm Springs and the meeting was held on February 2, 1953 and the briefing in the hanger lasted for three days. He also told me that a catholic priest attended the meeting in the hangar but when everybody was sworn to secrecy afterwards the priest named McIntyre said he could not do that and that he served a higher authority, God. The plane with McIntyre left the west coast and refueled in Atlanta where an agent again tried to swear McIntyre to secrecy but McIntyre refused. The plane went on to the Vatican where McIntyre briefed the pope. The pope then created a secret UFO/ET commission to investigate UFO/ET reality.

My source Sam Standland said that these ETs were human and this seemed to have been confirmed by Wendelle. Wendelle also said that the other case where Eisenhower met with the ETs by appointment, I think he said it was Holloman, out at the far end of the runway is a different meeting than the February 2, 1953 meeting. I did not ask Wendelle if these were the same human ETs as were met at Muroc. Sounds like another crack forming in the dyke RP. :-)

Wendelle also asked me if I had heard anything about Admiral Bobby Inman’s company building saucers for these carriers and I told him I had not. Wendelle told me that he has been threatened in the past when things got this hot but has not been threatened yet on all this. If anybody has any more information on any of these cases please send me the information so I can make it public. Wendelle and I are both hoping more information will shake out as things keep heating up. I suspect if the Americans have any sense they will back down on the Solar Warden case but so far they have not shown much sense in the matter.