How Will We Negotiate With ET?
By Ed Komarek
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I would like to initiate an open discussion as to how open negotiations between earth society and benevolent extraterrestrial races might proceed post-disclosure. What I hope will happen is that others may become involved who have some knowledge of this either in the public or classified world and together we can wrap our collective minds around this issue. I would not be surprised if negotiations might include both sanctions and incentives similar to how we handle things on earth so as to induce earth society to cooperate with universe society and not threaten the peace and security of the rest of the cosmic neighborhood.
I realize that many people have enough trouble accepting the testimony of high level whistle blowers like Astronaut Edgar Mitchell that we are being visited by extraterrestrials and even question the huge amount of documentation available. Most people simply don’t understand that they have been severely deceived and brainwashed by the 60 year old UFO/ET cover-up and are going to think that speculation about negotiations with aliens is way over the top. Be that as it may I believe it is important that we move forward on such speculation.
I have endured denial and ridicule over the years in regards to expressing my views as to extraterrestrial reality but I believe in telling truth to power in this field of government lies and deception regardless of the consequences. Folks can read my free exopolitics e-book at my blog site if they desire to understand the context in which I write these articles. Another good resource for those that have an interest and wish to understand the seriousness of extraterrestrial relations can discuss these issues on the Open Minds Forum where I participate.
Some evidence from multiple sources suggests that ethical civilized extraterrestrial races require certain preconditions to be met before there can be significant sustained contact between these civilizations and earth society. This would follow along the lines of Star Trek’s prime directive. The first precondition seems to be that only limited secret contact with world governments is possible in return for and in preparation for open disclosure of extraterrestrial reality.
Once the first precondition of open disclosure is met then open negotiations between extraterrestrial races and earth society can begin in earnest. I suggest that further preconditions must be met by earth society before open direct sustained contact, trade and cultural exchanges are allowed.
My impression is that these preconditions for sustained contact and interaction are:
Nation-states must stop all hostile action against ethical extraterrestrial races.
Nation-states must settle their differences through the rule of law and not war, as well as eliminate weapons of mass destruction.
We must show major progress toward humane democratic population control.
We must show major progress toward solving our environmental problems.
We must show progress toward development of a civilized societal organizational structure based on cooperation not mutual predation.
We must understand that we co-inhabit earth and this solar system with other races and that any ideas of manifest destiny must be discarded.
If we meet these preconditions then I believe these would be the following incentives offered to us by the ethical extraterrestrial races.
Open fair trade
Cultural exchange
Technological exchange
Mutual defense treaties
Participation in collective extraterrestrial government
Enlightened guidance and advice
The deeper I get into understanding extraterrestrial reality the more I have come to realize that it is really not all that different out there as it is here. The laws of physics and evolution seem to apply elsewhere just as they do here and so too the laws of logic and reason. The only difference I can see is in orders of complexity.
I believe our earth based still primitive society will be able to meet the challenges of extraterrestrial reality now and in the future. We must face up to and prepare for post disclosure reality and that includes conversations such as these even if it makes uninformed people uncomfortable or incredulous. When I go out on a limb I try to base my speculations on several different sources of information. In this case a number of clues supporting this speculation can be found on this OM thread as well as multiple sources in other of my articles.