Thursday, January 11, 2007

Finding Our Way Back Home

Finding Our Way Back Home
By Ed Komarek
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Alien Seeker News Article Finding Our Way Back Home

I have been a student of life's mysteries for most of my life on earth. In reality we are all students existing in profound ignorance of both ourselves and our environment whether we wish to admit it or not. Those that are willing to admit ignorance have taken the first step toward acquiring true understanding and knowledge. Unfortunately many are unwilling and incapable of realizing this first step and so remain overwhelmed by illusion and mired in suffering.

It would be well to try to see ourselves and our earth based society as other more advanced civilizations might see us. It could be expected that slightly more advanced universe societies would see us as a backward primitive barbaric race with not much to offer universe society. On the other hand even more advanced races might see us in a more balanced and positive light due to a greater understanding and wisdom. More advanced intelligence could be expected to realize that adversity while initially crushing and suppressing of individual development, can and will eventually lead to accelerated learning and advanced character development.

I have begun to suspect that much more advanced intelligence's are somehow running the show for the rest of us. It is becoming obvious to me that we are surrounded by an environment that is constructed and maintained using very advanced nanotechnology. This leads me to suspect that the universe or reality that we experience throughout our lives is more virtual than real. The fact that scientists looking into the nature of energy and matter find nothing solid tells me that things are not as the seem.

I have not been content to just act out my life on life's stage as presented with no consideration of the larger context in which we live. Those who unthinkingly act out various roles without considering the greater context and consequences are setting themselves up for great suffering until they get with the program. I have to had to put up with a lot of grief from such unthinking actors who falsely view those of us who do think and wonder, as misfits, who live out of touch with reality and on the fringe. The reality is in fact just the opposite. I take it all in stride because I realize that we all have our own unique lessons to learn and that such folks just are not ready to move to the next level. They will eventually come around because suffering due to ignorance eventually causes individuals to break their isolation and to take personal responsibility for themselves. In time people are forced by suffering to reach out to the greater universe that surrounds and nourishes them.

Those of us that have a interest in exopolitics and astroecology are slowly chipping away at the very foundations of the virtual reality program in which we presently exist. This may well cause a collapse in due time of space-time reality as we know it. It may be replaced by a learning environment of a much more advanced nature. This of course must scare the dickens out of those who are still strongly embedded and invested in what is now becoming a obsolete reality. I think this is the most fundamental basis for the UFO/ET cover-up by world governments and the special interests that keep them in power. Powerful institutions can suppress truth for hundreds of years as happened with the Christian Imposition so the same with the institutions of today. Eventually the truth does come out even if it takes hundreds of years. Institutions adapt or are replaced with new institutions that can handle the new truths being presented.

So we are finding our way back home as we face our collective fears to search out the greater context from which we emerged into this life. We do seem to be eternal beings who somehow project ourselves or are projecting into 4D space-time reality in order to gain experience and develop character traits of importance. We truly do live in a school of advanced learning being directed by advanced intelligence that uses both carrot and stick to push evolution forward. This all pretty much falls in line with the research done having to do with out of body experiences, psychological past life regressions and religious and scientific teachings. I believe that exopolitics and astroecology will one day fit neatly into this greater scheme of things